Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
High-Heeled Brains

High-Heeled Brains


I shared my previous buzz here on LinkedIn. It drew the following comment from Dr. Ali H Higgi. The comment is as is, but with minor editing for typos. "Ali Anani, PhD Thoughtful and highly articulate articles like this make me truly miserable whenever I come across them!!! No No Not for what you think. Because I think they deserve a lot of likes and comments as they deserve to be read and enjoyed. So much rubbish I see and it generates volumes of likes. I keep asking myself, am I the odd one out here? Anyway, in this case the beauty and decoration on the cup coffee more than compensated for my being miserable. Dr. Ali, please more of this".

This comment brought back to my memory of a story that the late prominent Egyptian author Anis Mansour wrote years go. The story was about a bookshop that he used to visit monthly for extended years. One day he couldn't find the bookshop. He thought he lost his memory. A passerby told him pointing to a shoe shop "that was the old bookshop till a month ago". Mansour then vented out his feeling in his article by writing "What futures do nations have if their minds in their shoes"!

We are seeing this trend growing. Just look at the selling prices of football players. I used to play soccer and I enjoy the game. I know that talented soccer players are few. However; I don't like the trend that the young generation is playing soccer dreaming for their high selling prices. When the young generation observes how much university professors make as compared to soccer players, soccer becomes more appealing and viable option for them. For the young generation it is combining wealth and pleasure instead of studying. Is this an increasing trend of putting minds in shoes?

I believe it is time to treat high-heeled brains better. As soccer players kick balls, these brainy people kick ideas in our minds. They build the future for us. The distortions in giving shoes more value than brains is not a source of comfort.


Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #26

nice to see you back commenting Isabella M Wesoly. Yes, experiences are great teachers and the young generation has the right to experiment. I walk the way with you regardless of what shoes I wear. More important for me is talking to you. I don't blame the young generation for they know what brings them fame and money. We expose them to footballers. But how much attention do we give to scientists in comparison? At least the generations have the right to see other activities to which they may be drawn to.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #25

I am elated too by your comments and having readers of your indispensable quality dear Tausif Mundrawala

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #24

I expect to read a poem from you soon dear Tausif Mundrawala based on your comment here. I feel the warmth of your words. You invite us for a new search of awareness and choices and their linkage. Great idea

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #23

Thank You and you made my day with your comment Jerry Fletcher "Once again you have met your objective to stir the minds of your readers and to have them, in turn, stir others". Not only because of the genuine praise, but more by the fact that you give "idea collisions" a new meaning in my mind. You bring in a new concept balanced life and I mean the idea of "The balance of choices". This is an eye-opener and I am not releasing it of my mind easily.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #22

If I was playing devil's advocate Ali, I would ask what constitutes "the right choices"? Right for the individual or right for the collective?- this is what you asked Tricia Mitchella and my response is in my next buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #21

"We can choose how we want to feel, but when the mind is a prison, it can be difficult for people to believe that choice exists". This is beautifully expressed and is relevant to the idea of "Capacity for choice" that @CityVP referred to in his previous comment. Tricia Mitchell- I wish you would also respond to the comment of Manjit #29 . I feel new ideas are crystallizing out.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #20

"In order to preserve our innate capacity to choose, then less becomes more in this regard" This is very true dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit. Our reminding us of the barefoot metaphor and new shoes metaphor are apt. I like your term "choice capacity". How humans vary in this capacity and what factors are involved? THis is a worthy topic which I am going to pursue. Again, this is deeply reflectd in your writing "We are the products of our fashion rather than the fashion of our mind". Social pressure finds a meaning in this powerfull and observative line.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 6 سنوات #19

Ali, Once again you have met your objective to stir the minds of your readers and to have them, in turn, stir others. The many facets of humanity make the choices less than obvious. Some of us are of an intellectual bent. Others wind themselves around money like a dragon in a gilded lair. Some yield to their athletic abilities. A very few combine all their capabilities to find what these days is called "a balanced life." As I see it, each of us is a combination of genetic pre-disposition warped by nurture and nature. It is a far distant future when we will be able to scan the code of an infant to be and modify it to fit someone's idea of what is right and then control circumstances to get the "required"result. I, for one, pray that day never comes.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 6 سنوات #18

We are all walking in a social shoe shop and that is why we have personal brand, because it matters how we walk and the style of our talk but outside this branded place we get to know how the boots of well conditioned authority shall kick us if we should have the audacity to think. The social shoe shop is the unfortunate reality rather than the road far less traveled to renaissance reality. So as Sara Jacobovici says "existential quality of our innate capacity to choose is there" but the social shoe shop decides who gets the kicks and who gets kicked and how that gets modeled first on the human conditioning cat-walk. We are the products of our fashion rather than the fashion of our mind. In order to preserve our innate capacity to choose, then less becomes more in this regard. Are we willing to be well heeled with the price tag that this comes with? Or do we take a tip out of the barefoot way and choose a way of walking that only the few will want to take? The barefoot metaphor is the one that the many will look down upon as they try a new look and new fit in the social shoe shop. No shoes and you don't get to play. The barefoot metaphor frightens people where as new shoes metaphor makes people easily pleased. Are we not easily pleased?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #17

I am responding BEFORE reading Sara Jacobovici response to be neutral. "...exhausted by economic and educational deprivation, even if you stuck a signpost to that space, they may not be able to step outside of their life circumstances. Yes, I am in agreement with your statement

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #16

I don't disagree with you at all @Sara Jacobovici on "It exists outside of education or economic status. It exist outside of life circumstances. It is existential". It is being aware of the right choice to make that where many people fail to do. Do you agree?

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #15

Tricia Mitchell- Yes, and your comment explains exactly why we need o educate people and make them aware of the choices they have. How many people know their priorities well enough to make the right choices? You open the horizon of the discussions wide open

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #14

One problem is that many educated people are are declining their choices Tricia Mitchell. Appearances are more important for them than shining their minds. So, I agree with your comment, but education is needed to many social classes.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #13

Thank you Tricia Mitchell for your warm invitation. I need to clarify. For me, it isn't a matter of engaging in discourse. For me the existential quality of our innate capacity to choose is there, always. I don't shy away from seeing the dark side of life or judge anyone's choices. What is profound for me in Frankl's quote is that we own that space. It is our place of freedom when our outside reality has stripped us of any hope for control, that space is there for us to have the control and freedom of choice as to how to respond to it all. Our awareness of it and how it manifests is stuff of a whole other discussion. But thanks again Trish for the engagement. Much appreciated.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #12

I apologize for butting into this exchange @Tricia Mitchell and Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, especially before I have read part 2. Choice exists in and of itself as part of what makes us human. It exists outside of education or economic status. It exist outside of life circumstances. It is existential. I, again, quote Viktor Frankl: "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #11

This is an engaging comment my dear Sara Jacobovici. Yes, we have choices and I don't question this for a moment. The trouble starts when most people make one easy choice- to follow the crowd. I have seen it> For example, so many people are trading their old mobile phones with the new ones. And how they pay for it? By installments. One more example- people getting married and have little money to spend. Because their friends got married in a grand hotel and they aren't "less" than them then they wed the same way. The result they are immersed in debt and many marriages broke of this following. We need to remember that less is more. There must be a reason for people not taking the right choice. Why some people opt for the wrong choices is a question that I am still thinking of.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 6 سنوات #10

Thank you for the tag and opportunity to engage Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee. I have to say, when it comes to humans versus AI/technology, I tend to be less tolerant in my expression and communication. First, Dr. Ali, my bias is, we always have a choice, regardless of any technological device. Habits are human behaviors and, at times, we lose control and habits have more control over our lives than they should. It is still our choice to be in the habit versus developing an awareness of what purpose that habit serves and then choose what step to take next. Whether our habits involve technological devices is irrelevant, as far as I am concerned; it still comes from us and it still is our choice. In answer to your question, Dr. Ali, I say that the strength of technology will always lie in the ability to store more data and access it faster, problem solve faster (not necessarily better) and do things beyond our physical range. But no technological device can be stronger than human will or be able to exceed our range of choices because we have the ability to imagine. This ability gives us the strength to break free from any grips of technology and its trends.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #9

Do I agree with your initial thoughts Tricia Mitchell? I say firmly yes. The question of authenticity pops up. How authentic people shall be so as not to be part of the "upgrading Camp". Social jealousy is fueled by businesses because this way they up demand for wants that aren't needs. if I have iPhone 7 and iphone 8 is in the market I know what comments to expect. The drift is stronger than most people.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #8

Great ideas bubble up from your wonderful mind and thinking Tricia Mitchell. You have raised a great "memorandum". At least I know a person who has self-calm and that is you. A point I wanted to raise is: do we have a choice in not disrupting our habits? Is the force of technology stronger than us with the trends it creates. As much as I try to refrain tagging fellows, this time I can't help it. I am tagging both Sara Jacobovici for help.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #7

Dear Tricia Mitchell- you wrote "There is so much repetition, that I think habits will always be around. The habits of today will be disrupted by the habits of tomorrow". SO much so as I feel there is an earthquake of habits disruption. Just how me changed our visiting social habits and replaced it by group messages provides an excellent explanation of your thought-provoking idea. I wonder if i is now "The death of habits".

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #6

The example you give is dear as you are Deb\ud83d\udc1d Lange, Brand Ambassador @beBee. Yes, parents sometimes seek a better model than themselves for their kids. Hunting for money is not hunting for living a great life. But, what amazed me most is using the world altruistic. Ehy? Because only few minutes ago I finished drawing an image for my next buzz in which I included altruism. I am speechless. I aim to give by examples examples of it from nature and how it may be explored to humans.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #5

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee- this is an interesting comment. Physical brawn versus mental brawn- as long as physical brawn strengthens the mental brawn. What is happening is that we notice an increased tendency to dwarf mental brawn. Sports can be a great source of augmenting the mental brawn. Many scientific models benefited from using sports. However; the pheromone of sports is much tilted now towards money and this is the issue. I appreciate therefore that you "dragged" your children to bookstores.
May there come a time when brains are worth more than brawn. Was there ever a time when this was true? I always valued my educators far more than sports. I dragged my children to bookstores when they were young, and they found the experience delightful.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #3

If there is a hero in my life whom I have never met with it is you Ned McDonnell. Your kind words are gems of wisdom for me. I wish I could thank you enough.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #2

Thank you dear Tricia Mitchell. I read the linked article in your sound comment and surely it is a great reading. You raise the issue of "deliberate forms of distraction". This issue is so important and I am surprised that it hasn't received the focus it deserves. Almost a year ago I wrote a presentation titled "Distraction is the new habit", in which I gave examples of distractions and the trend for it to become a habit. Now, you alert me to deliberate distraction and should this become a habit then I wonder what awaits us in the future. You see you kick ideas in my mind too.

Ali Anani

منذ 6 سنوات #1

When university professors make money hardly enough to cover their basic and family needs they get distracted der debasish majumder mentioned in her subsequent comment. It is worthy your reading time my friend. Thanks also for your sharing the buzz.

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