Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
Prisoners of Assumptions and Habits

Prisoners of Assumptions and Habits


Try to change a habit and meet the challenges this change enforces on you.

You carry a long-time owned assumption and face the challenge of letting go of it when this assumption is opposed by new facts.

As much as these assumptions and habit imprison us; paradoxically, they could be the source of our success for they may provide us with new creative ideas. Best is explaining by examples.

Best practices are best only for simple systems. They fail as the system change to a complex one, for example. Because of our sticking to the habit of doing what we are familiar with we tend to stick to doing the same even though we see that they don’t work anymore.

Be careful of the inertia resulting from old-owned habits and assumptions.
Ali Anani

The longer we own a habit or believe in an assumption, the harder it gets to load it off. We need an escape from them to dispose off them. Edward de Bono offered valuable techniques and tools to deal with habits and assumptions by challenging and escaping from them. It is not cowardliness to escape from them; more it is courageous to do so to revise them with new perspectives. On personal and business levels we need to have the courage to escape from habits of best practices and assumptions.

The paradox is that we need to escape from habits and assumptions and be courageous to do this.
Ali Anani

There are great recent examples of the values of such escapes in the banking and financial sectors. I am extracting few examples of a research that I am doing now on this thought. I dare say that the greatest creative ideas are being generated by escaping from old habits and assumptions. People are less patient than they used to. They need instant answers, services and explanations. Coupled with this is that people want their convenience by not visiting a bank. The provocative idea here is that instead of people going to banks, bank service will reach them where they are. How can this be? It is facing these challenging that led to a host of new service ideas. Take for example, the long-held assumption that banks and credit unions are like oil and water; they just don’t mix. The provocation is to make them mix. Provocation leads to tension and tension may lead to creative tension. This challenging idea made the opposites of banks and credit unions mix by finding ways to cooperate rather than compete, whenever possible. This overlapping of interest between the two immiscible institutions was possible because the parties managed to find an area of common interest and that is advertising free checking. Bancvue managed to get 65 executives from U.S. community banks and credit unions to set aside their differences long enough to cooperate on a big Fourth of July ad for free checking. This full page “Declaration of Free Checking” in the July 2nd edition of USA Today bears each of their signatures, reminding consumers that community-based financial institutions still offer accounts with no monthly fees.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been considered as an expense by bank. The challenge is to reverse this thinking and find ways to turn this expense into profit. I have discussed this issue before in two buzzes. These are:

Creativity Is Turning Cost into Benefit

A Creative Metaphor for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We are living in a world that it is courageous to escape from long-held habits and assumptions.


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #67

True as one way of challenging assumptions is to think logically.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #66

Great story and conclusion dear Jerry. We say put yourself in somebody's shoes. You put it more elegantly by I would phrase as "put yourself in somebody's thinking".

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #65

Some words and terms have different meanings in different languages. In Croatian, "common sense" actually means a healthy mindset. When I comment in English, I often use that term for explaining intuitive logical reasoning. The logical reasoning challenge assumptions.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #64

Dr. Ali, your article brought back the memory of a new business presentation to the CEO of a bank I was making with some colleagues. The presentation was interrupted by a phone call. The cryptic conversation included percentages and dates. He turned to us and said, "I just made more money for the bank over the weekend in that phone call than all the possible new deposits you claim you can generate in a year. Why should I spend the money on advertising?" Our response was that it takes money to make money and without new depositors and loan requestors the funds would not be available for weekend investments. He didn't like agreeing with us but we got the business. Sometimes a change in thinking can be caused by thinking about it from their viewpoint. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #63

In my part of the world commonsense might be as risky as expressing courageous thoughts. The commonsense is to go with the tide even if wrong. Thank you for stirring up the discussions

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #62

#70 Thank you so much for your appreciation dear

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #61

Fantastic article 

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 5 سنوات #60

Such a great article 

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #59

Or ... should I say logical reasoning.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #58

I answer replied to your comment in a private message.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #57

It's not courage ... it's common sense. :)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #56

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee- a farmer does his best to have good crops and crop yield then the wind blows and destroys everything for him. Yes, we need to do our best and when we do we have to accept that the winds don't blow in our favor always.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #55

This is a thorny issue and you are brave enough to speak up so openly. I salute you for your courage.
"Try to change a habit and meet the challenges this change enforces on you." Yes--yes! I've undergone many changes in the last year or so. I've always whispered to myself, "Change is Constant." But I've always hated change. At 66, I have a few regrets, and if that's all I have, I am lucky. I used to tally up mistakes I've made until I realized I should just tell myself, "Do the best you can. If your best is not good enough--so be it--you did your best." The weight is far less.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #53

I am not quite sure that it's possible. One of the assumptions based on the literal interpretation of scriptures is related to environmentalism and the lack of supporting the environmental policy. To use nature to our own advantage as written in the Bible justifies exploitation of the earth. Faith can be wrong or right depends on what we do with it.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #52

David- your comment reminds me of a habit in Sudan during my visits there few years back. They have wedding and some parts they are conducted in halls wherein passersby may walk in. They are sort of open-door weddings. My host in Sudan noticed my desire to witness the habits of marriage there and then he said let'us walk in. I said surprisingly "but we aren't invited". It doesn't matter. We walked in to just "live the experience". The people noticed that I was a guest and they were so kind and generous. They insisted on me to stay longer. I believe that when we share comments publicly it is kind of an open-door invitation. Yes, good manners should prevail like the behavior of any guest, but also because we need the rubbing of ideas to generate more ones I consider my buzzes kind of "open-door invitation".

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #51

Sound and to the point. Only one observation- mothers are unlike any other being. Our trust in them keeps our faith in them. I like your analogy and answers.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #50

A vary famous Arab writer described an Egyptian belly dancer who refused to go to bed with anybody as "in fire and she doesn't burn". The dancer was orphaned when she was young with both parents passing away and was left with five younger brothers and sisters. She became a belly dancer to feed them and educate them, but never "sold" her self to anybody. I don't know if her values ever would have ever allowed her to become a belly dancer, but also her values kept her away from going any further. Yes, we need anchors in life and values are our anchors dear David.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #49

`Faith may change- values don't. Maybe this sis a general conclusions from the discussions here dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic. Yes, what is based on changing facts will have to change as well; If faith is based on reasoning that is proven wrong by facts and research then how could faith be the same

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #48

I am going to reveal you something I do. I don't know if is right or wrong, but that's my own personal "netiquette". When I make comments on a buzz, I normally don't read other's comments. For me, is like being invited to your home (the writer of the buzz), so I just keep my attention to what the writer had to say in his/her buzz, and answer accordingly. It doesn't feel right to me to get mixed in conversations you (or the writer) have with other "guests". Only if the writer invites me, like you do many times, then I might comment other's comments. It has the risk to repeat what another said, but in the other hand, if two or more people have the same opinion about the same issue without being biased by other's comments, well, that's a confirmation. All this, to give an explanation about your words " I got shocked that your comment here is in line with mine previous response. Even we used the same words (fruits, for example)."

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #47

The easy answer for "how much faith can we have in a human being?" is none. Sooner or later we will be disappointed. We get disappointed with ourselves too, don't we? So, how are we not going to feel the same way about others? But, we can have faith in a human value that a human being would consistently show. As a simple example, I would have faith in my mother's love, even if she is doing something to me I am not that happy with. In a second thought, I will have faith that she does it based on her love to me, even if she is wrong, or even if I don't understand it. I know you have children. When you had to correct hem, you showed them love, even if they cried when being corrected. They could doubt you as a human being, but not about your fatherly love.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #46

I am happy to fully agree with your words "The value of "do unto others...." is timeless and in no need of revision." That's the kind of parts my Frankenstein is made of

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #45

Dear Ali, to your words " What if the "me" values are contradicting with my group or company values?", the answer is simple and tough at the same time: Changing the values is not an option, so you need to change your group or company. In the end, when you turn the light off and you are on your own, it is with yourself the one who you need to be at peace with. We say in Spain, Mejor solo que mal acompañado (better on your own rather than in a bad companionship)

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #44

Ali, you ask great questions. I actually don't like to comment on topics about religion and faith, and my question was purely hypothetical. You asked are faiths changeable. I am always fascinated when a person applies rules of logic and critically examine science textbooks, but at the same time has an irrational bias towards ancient assumptions based on faith. I am aware that religious beliefs do not go hand in hand with logical deduction, but our world changes rapidly. New technologies and discoveries shed a different light on dogmatic statements, demanding new answers and consequently - change of faith. Harvey said in one of his comments that "our faith is what we rest on that we are 'doing the right thing'." I think that doing good and the right thing doesn't require faith but own moral beliefs as natural human traits.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #43

This is a challenging comment Harvey Lloyd "Faith i believe in this context is values we hold to be true to "me", that in the face of adversity "me" will hold too, regardless of the intrinsic or extrinsic consequences". What if the "me" values are contradicting with my group or company values? This is a serious struggle and I wonder how do you deal with it? David Navarro L\u00f3pez will also have his wisdom here to share with the readers.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #42

I really appreciated your insights and can only add a finer look at the line between science and faith. Faith i believe in this context is values we hold to be true to "me", that in the face of adversity "me" will hold too, regardless of the intrinsic or extrinsic consequences. Science tells the what of our observational analysts it offers no why, and certainly no way forward within humanity. Science does offer material convenience and security in the environment. Again, it does not tell us how to engage with it. I would consider my faith a Frankenstein faith also, but for different reasons. As much as Martin Luther separated from the church so long ago, we have rejoined politics, church and religion. In the face of that yes i am a Martin Luther Frankenstein faith. Faith is something we hold against the values, principals or religious beliefs as we engage with life. Regardless of the potential for self. I may loose the promotion through faith in my values. Faith tells me i will be happier if i don't compromise my values along life's journey. The value of "do unto others...." is timeless and in no need of revision. What is needing revision from time to time is what is acceptable for others to do to me that i pass on. It is wisdom that sheds light on our execution. The value itself has held true for thousands of years. Great discussion and again appreciate your inputs.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #41

So, it is a loop and continuing one too. Revise and adapt. Your comment here reminds me of the Blue Ocean Strategy. WE can apply it to assumptions. For example, what parts of the faith to eliminate, what part to reduce? what parts to increase and what parts to create? I am getting excited about this possibility.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

So are my beliefs and faith in you my Spanish friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez. We are very close and this is reflected in your comment. I am reading each part of your comment and responding to it. I got shocked that your comment here is in line with mine previous response. Even we used the same words (fruits, for example). This brings a question- when we have faith and trust of somebody do we get "synchronized" without planning for it? The degree of synchronicity between us is evident by comparing this comment of yours David and my previous one. I am eager to here what Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic will say.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Indeed and I concur with your writing "The problem is, humans, cannot live without any of them. Just like diabetics in front of a bakery, we are salivating for things that can be poisonous for us". This is the question" can we have faith in something that can be poisonous to us? Shouldn't we question it? Your lovely comment David reminds me of some plant seeds. They are sweet from outside and very bitter inside. This is to encourage animals to eat the sweet part and discard the left biter seeds. This way the plants are able to disperse their seeds. Should we also do the same? Shouldn't we discard the part that poison us? So interesting comment yours is my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #38

Your knowledge and contributions reflect richly in your comment David Navarro L\u00f3pez. Your comment is intriguing as it leads the reader to think. You wrote " "blind faith" is needed, both as much as credible, both as much as fallible". This is the paradox because I believe that when we have unquestioned faith it produces its negative effect. We followed in faith many political leaders and then later we found that we were doing that blindly. The politicians that were our idols became our most disrespected people. Even today like president Trump and you see the faith of him divided by many parties. The question for me how much faith can we have in a human being?

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #37

(Part 1)What a very interesting turn is this buzz taking, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Once we start to question everything, let us continue. What is faith? and more importantly, what is it good for? For some religious people, faith is the firm expectative of a certain reality, even if it is not at sight. For a neurologist like Dean Burnett, the brain always needs to give a logical explanation within the brain's boundaries. These boundaries are limited to which we feed them with. If there is no "logical explanation" the brain looks for an explanation out of imagination but always using previous information. So faith has always a starting point on something we know, to give an explanation about issues we cannot be certain of. To Harvey and to his question "who is writing our faith today?", I would answer. In the past, humans thought political and religious leaders were right. So we followed the path they marked and grown our own faith from this starting point. After that, we saw leaders are as fallible as we are, so we started to look somewhere else. Evolution theory appeared, and again, starting from things we could take as certain, built a theory with this starting point. Both options come to a certain point on which "blind faith" is needed, both as much as credible, both as much as fallible.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #36

(Part 2) So next timelapse left us orphans of something that is needed to our community survival, that is, human values. Without love, righteousness, and whatsoever any religion has on their sacred books, human relationships crash. And human values are turning too. In the past, nobody was concerned about killing animals for food. Now we have a strong trend, vegans, who are putting on the table (oops) another concept, that is, that any life, not only human, is sacred. To Ali on his comment 39, I would answer. It is obvious that, according to above, we believe and put faith starting to what we have learned. It depends as well where are you born, which by defect, determines if you are Moslem, Christian or other. But to be on the right faith cannot be the fruit of casualty about where did you come to life. So no ultimate truth, believe or faith is at hand, as they are all subjective. The problem is, humans, cannot live without any of them. Just like diabetics in front of a bakery, we are salivating for things that can be poisonous for us.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #35

(Part 3) For me, technician as I am, there is only a way which is valid to me. I am taking the valid parts, discard the rotten ones, and start from scratch putting together parts which fit with each other. I would say, a "Frankenstein faith". In any culture or religion, there are common and immovable values which can be taken as certain, just for the fruits they give. Just to give a simple but powerful example. It came a moment in my life I was down, lost faith in myself, no way out, I was scrambled. Then I met Ali. He showed empathy, generosity, altruism and wisdom to me, even not knowing me, being from completely different backgrounds. He helped me in a great manner to re-build myself. My admiration and gratefulness to him are beyond any religion or belief.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #34

(Part 4) To Lada Prkic I would say. Assumptions are always based and built starting on something we know for certain. All these mentioned human values, immutable and eternal, are the parts I rescue to build my particular set of "Frankenstein faith" Whenever I have doubts about anything, like an assumption, I always try to come back to them and look at the issue from this perspective. Normally, the path to follow is illuminated again, as it is wrong assumptions and habits which can make a blackout. This is the starting point I always take to review, renew or discard assumptions. So the tricky thing to decide is if one "truth" is really a truth, or if in reality is an assumption. After this point, anything is possible.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #33

Well said and portrayed.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

I am the one who is grateful to you for taking the time to write your wisdom and share it with others. You remind me of The Animal Farm and what they may destroy once they reach the power. Then I remember Gandhi and his faith. Yes, the choice is ours and every person should then review the impact of his/her faith on others.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #31

You delve into the deeper conversation of faith to an individual. In all faith it should promote humanity as an absolute, even those who are different in faith. As to conversion, i would state that the faith we carry is faith we live by and succeed or fail by. Each person must review their own self awareness of faith and be able to stand within the framework when the storm is at its peak. This is truly personal choice. The reason it is called faith is that i can only prove that it works for me. I cant prove it before anyone else except through how they view my execution. Even then it is still personal choice. My concern is not how man has dismembered faith into so many secs but rather who is writing our faith if God is not. More in the philosophical realm than religious. Hard science and clearly not political leaders are suited for labeling morality for us all. With Nietzsche it was this question that he predicted nihilism would become rampant. I don't think he missed the mark by far. Living life from a moral set provided by authority not of this world is what builds societies. We have historical proof of when we leave this thought what happens and we have proof of what happens when we do serve this higher authority. We need only look at those who rose to power and built or destroyed. Great discussion and thanks for allowing me to comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

You remind me of the expression "lost faith". The question is also is it "lost and found"? How do we define faith? Is faith in God being a Moslem disapproves the faith in God by a Christian? Which faith to follow? Is it a learned faith? A genetic one? These are questions that made me write my previous comment in response to Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic. People who convert religion- what faith prompted them to do so? I am considering your statement "I don't believe that the truths of faith change...". Do we consider conversion of faith as part of the truth in faith? I don't claim I have the answers, but I am thinking deeply about these questions.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #29

#37 I know i am edging in on a conversation but i would like to attempt an answer to the question brought forward. "what about assumptions that are based on faith, and whether they should be subjected to periodical revision, validation and even substitution if needed. Is the one who escapes from such assumptions a courageous?" Each day we walk out of the door and engage with others, as much as we are doing here, what are the faithful principals one follows within the engagement? Do we make these up as we go along, or do we have them instilled upon us by our upbringing or maybe they are natural outcomes of genetics. Our faith is what we rest on that we are "doing the right thing". This is very subjective to each of us, but it is a faith of action. To me faith is a common understanding of humanity and the right to be a individual. But my individuality can not stress yours unless it is mutually agreed upon. Our faith is the guiding light we use within engagement. I don't believe that the truths of faith change, how we execute around our interpretation is always fluxing. Love your neighbor as yourself may change in execution, but the charge of faith is to always consider this standard in all engagement. Even if we determine we cant make the engagement happen. Very challenging question and one, here in the US, is being challenged. Frederic Nietzsche new that "We had killed God" His next question was who then will write morality? This is the question i pose also, who is writing our faith today?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #28

Thank you dear Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic shall be. I believe that we discretely review our faiths. How fixed can faith remained constant in a rapidly-changing world. This is a great question and deserves a buzz from you. Are faiths changeable? All of them, or part of them? What is the cost of adhering to a wrong faith? So much to think about. May be encountering the truth of our faith needs special courage.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

منذ 5 سنوات #27

Dear Ali, first, I like the linked article about creative marketing projects from banks and credit unions around the world. Although I am not sure that it is possible to love a bank, I like an idea of a more personal approach that some banks emphasise in their campaigns. Reflecting on a comment by David, which complements your excellent post, I found his words about "assumptions and beliefs that need to be reviewed periodically, and if needed, enhanced or substituted" very aptly. In fact, it leads to another question: what about assumptions that are based on faith, and whether they should be subjected to periodical revision, validation and even substitution if needed. Is the one who escapes from such assumptions a courageous?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #26

Thank you my friend Edward Lewellen for your generosity. I appreciate it.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

Thank you dear Harvey Lloyd for sharing the buzz with such a thorough comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #24

Superb comment and I shall reference it in my next buzz. You are right to write "Once the left brain says no, the right brain will never even consider possibilities:. This is terribly sad because it negates natural flow. If we investigate ants and bees and how they search for new sources of food they diverge first to find more possibilities and then converge to make a decision what source is optimal. With logical thinking divergence with all its possibilities are gone.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #23

If you are in the beginning of your 2019 stretch goals and they leave you a bit wanting....Take a look at the Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee post here. Maybe some old habits need a touch up for the 2019 you are about to experience.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #22

The left right brain and our education system here is an abomination. Our drive to score above some created line of excellence has lead us to grow only the left brain except in the most focused of our creative folks. Once the left brain says no, the right brain will never even consider possibilities. This is sad, reaching for the stars is now full of calculations of past discoveries. Your discussion here about old habits die hard, is appropriate. Only through creative thinking, within chaos, can we find our way past the bars of these habits. We need creative thought. Risky thought, risking our left brain calculations, stretching them to the breaking point.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #21

I am glad you enjoyed and commented on the buzz, Harvey. Your comments reminds me of my previous buzz "opposites on the Edge". I, like you, want the opposites to interact and get the best of this interaction. The tendency to separate opposites such as materialism and spirituality is wrong and I agree with you that they are the other sides of the coin. This separation thinking extends to many areas in our lives. Just one quick example is the right brain and the left brain. It shall be best to make the best of each and not position them as "enemies". I did a test myself today by trying to generate service ideas using the interaction of the two brains. I shall share part of my findings in my next buzz. It is always a pleasure to read your comments and learn from them.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #20

I really enjoyed the post, its complexity and how you stayed close to the edge of the chaos. If you don't mind though i would like to kick it straight into the chaos. CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit post in conjunction with yours, drew the line between spiritual and material. Habits are formed along either spiritual or material. In the better scenario they are one side of the same same coin. Spiritual equaling the humanity and absolutes of existence. Material, in methods, tangible objects and groups creating things from these absolutes. When we separate these two we wind up becoming habitual in worshiping one or the other. More importantly we begin to defend the habits formed around either. Materialism untethered from spiritual absolutes will always usurp humanity. Spiritual orthodoxy will leave man in a cave writing on walls. If materialism causes the bars to our jail cell then habits will die hard and most likely end in failure. The bars of materialism and bad habits can only be broken with spiritual absolutes. Creating in such a way that humanity is at the top.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #19

The feelings and impressions are mutual my friend. You know you stand core places in my heart and mind.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #18

I have been having a look at your buzzes, and it seems we knew each other from another past. Happy to be in this Bebee "brotherhood", where we can find people like us

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #17

The buzz has been written and is linked here It is called "The Besting of Best Practice". Note that besting in the title means "beating" rather than "the best".

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #16

With all honesty I expected this buzz to provoke you to write a buzz on this buzz. I look forward to reading yours later today CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #15

My response is going to be too long so I will come back with a "paradox wisdom" after I return home today. I will leave a link here when I have completed that paradox wisdom.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

" he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it". This is subtle and great. Thank you Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven for sharing this great wisdom. To the point

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #13

I shall not suffer from the inertia of thanking you dear Debasish Majumder for not only expanding the discussions, but also for sharing generously the buzz. Yes, what goes in the environment of business is changing and so they also bring new and creative changes, only if we think about them.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

Yes, you are a lateral thinker dear Tausif Mundrawala for you see what goes on in the sides and not only what is in front of your eyes.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #11

this is an exquisite buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! i guess, it is the external world, the reflections we receive in our brains and time and space along with the available conditions are primary factors for navigating our changing behaviors. but, you mentioned the inherent inertia, an important constituent needed to be combated! great buzz sir. enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #10

Dear Tausif Mundrawala- my opinion is as ususl and your comments always speak wisdom. This comment is no different. This is reflected in your thorough thought "... the entities need to collaborate in order to create a space for a consumer segment not explored before and can acquire a market share in an amicable way". This is exactly what I wanted to communicate in this buzz. Businesses have to change their habits in order to find new market shares. You said it very nicely.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #9

Dear friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez- you said it perfectly well in one line that could be easily expanded into a full-fledged buzz. I mean "Habits, assumptions and beliefs can be of some use, but they all have an expiring date". What a great way say it!. Yes, they do have an expiry date and you very skillfully reasoned this. I simply love your mind and how you think my friend.

David Navarro López

منذ 5 سنوات #8

Some habits, when acquired, had a purpose. Sometime after, it can happen we forget about the purpose, and we keep with the habit, not knowing why anymore. As someone said, "What we believe shapes what we are. Belief can bring us salvation or destruction. When you believe a lie for too long, the truth doesn't set you free, it tears you apart" You are my most valued teacher on this: get rid of the mental garbage. Habits, assumptions and beliefs can be of some use, but they all have an expiring date: they need to be reviewed periodically, and if needed, enhanced or substituted. Otherwise, they become garbage which can poison us to death.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #7

Thank you Matthew Evans and I am glad to read a comment by you.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

I am also in total agreement with your comment Roberto De la Cruz Utria. I dare say that finding products that challenge our routines and habits shall be the most rewarding ones. I shall as I indicated in my previous comment addressed to Clau expand on your comment and hers. Thank you.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #5

Yes, my dear friend Clau Valerio and so well expressed in your comment "The advantage of a habit is that it is automated, in such a way that without thinking that it is executed (without motivation and without willpower)". We tend to follow the path of least resistance and habits provide this path. It is an energy-saver, but not always for our benefit. In lateral thinking we energize ourselves by using provocative questions that may pull us out of our comfort zone. It is energy-demanding and the easiest way is to fall back to old habits. Your comment encourages me to write on more detail on this topic. Thank you for writing a mesmerizing comment..

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #4

Well-said my friend Pascal Derrien "Make change on a free will basis seems difficult whereas change with no other alternative to choose from is surprisingly easy". I am in full agreement as evidenced from my previous comment addressed to Jean. Sometimes, choices make us rigid and fragile.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #3

Thank you dear friend for contributing such a rich comment. The quotes you mention are apt and relevant as they add value to the buzz. Yes, it takes courage to step out of our comfort zones and be wiser and more understanding of life. No wonder you have this courage because you voice your thoughts very clearly>. Isn't surprising that we need courage to be better and still prefer in the "backyard"? Simply, I am moved by your comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #2

Thank you dear Savvy Raj and synchronicity between both of us is on the rise

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Make change on a free will basis seems difficult whereas change with no other alternative to choose from is surprisingly easy, the dimension of change, the supra ceding element of the reason for change is much bigger than the reasoning of behind an habit, mechanical thinking v.s intellect

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