Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
The Positive Side of Negative Emotions

The Positive Side of Negative Emotions


I wrote a presentation on separation thinking in which I discussed our tendency to ask this or that such as is it the egg or the chicken? I wondered why not this AND that. More relevant questions are available that reinforce this separation thinking such as do you want to be a leader or manager, when in fact we need a leader and a manager attributes together. This separation thinking goes against nature because opposites co-exist. Tall and short trees live together. We see closed and open flowers together. Flowery and thorny plants neighbor each other.

We have many examples in which the opposites have to work together if we wish to have a working system. Look at batteries and how they work. Batteries have three parts, an anode (negative), a cathode (positive), and the electrolyte. The cathode and anode are connected to an electrical circuit. The chemical reactions in the battery lead to an upsurge of electrons at the anode. The electrons repel each other and therefore seek to go to a place with fewer electrons- the cathode. This way we have an electric current. It is not the negative or the positive; it is both together.


Similarly, an atom has a positive nucleus around which the lightweight electrons exist in a cloud orbiting the nucleus. We can't have atoms, which are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements, without having the positive nucleus and the negative electrons together.

Negative pressure has many positive applications. One outstanding example is how trees transport water from the roots of trees to their top leaves. For water to be sucked up there must be a pressure difference between the top and the bottom of the tree. It is this amazing negative pressure at the top that allows water to make its upward journey in a tree. The video below explains negative pressure amazingly well.

Our emotions are not different. We say positive emotions and negative emotions. This classification of emotions raised some objections by great minds. In my last buzz on "Adaptations to Emotional Flooding", @Max Carter commented by writing " Psychologically speaking by saying some emotions are negative we will do anything we can to avoid them or someone experiencing them
A negative is a loss and the only loss that we truly experience is the loss of growth and learning when we ignore our emotions or other people because we use words such as Negative to describe the emotion and therefore the person".

I believe it is our attitude and thinking that leads to these concerns. It is our separation thinking that wants the positive without the negative. It is our perception that negatives are bad. Negative emotions stabilize positive one and the two together make this stability. It is only when we flood ourselves with one emotion excessively on the expense of the other that we run into problems. If we consider what I term "The Battery of Emotions", then the buildup of negative emotions on the anode that these excessive electron-like passions become self-repelling and seek places in our bodies in which there is more space for them. Moreover, like electrons in atoms, they are the orbiting and light weighted bodies and can move much more freely than the positive nucleus. Negative emotions are mobile and orbit our thinking and positive emotions are the heavy nucleus around which the negative emotions orbit.


Negative emotions are an integral part of our existence. It is only when we allow them to flood that we experience their ill-effects. Positive emotions are not different. However; apparently negative emotions affect us more because of their orbiting our minds more freely than positive emotions.

I shall greatly appreciate your feedback on this buzz.


Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #81

Yes, and I have witesses some of my acquaintances go through the downward spiral. I agree with you Franci Eugenia Hoffman

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #80

Sara Jacobovici responded in a buzz to this buzz. What a great read Sara's buzz is. You may read it here:

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #79

I agree with you dear Mohammed Sultan. Your comment is consistent with the quantum theory "When we consistently make certain assumptions about the bad things that may happen to us we trigger our negative emotions". When we focus only on negatives we develop the Observer Effect. Negative emotions help to stabilize positive emotions, but excessively reflecting on negative ones throw us out of balance.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #78

Thanks Ali Anani, Sometimes I re-read what I write and I will second guess myself, wondering if I conveyed my message well. Im glad you are able to get a visual when reading! So kind of you to put up a link to my buzz here:))

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #77

You writing is packed with images dear Lisa Gallagher. Having just read your beautiful buzz of today on "Relationships and Empathy", you proved to me that your words are poetic, rich in vividness, and draw images in my mind. You words are images and I wonder why you think it is hard for you to describe in words. For readers, I strongly recommend for you reading the buzz of Lisa. It shall be time well-invested and for you to know that my comment reflects reality:

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #76

Thanks Ali, that's probably because I'm a fairly simple person LOL. Sometimes my mind has very deep thoughts but I have a hard time expressing them. It's as though I can see a picture in my mind but it's hard to describe in words.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #75

Lisa Gallagher- emotions and thoughts lead to actions. For every action there is an equal reaction in the opposite direction. That is why I find your comment so deep and informative, and especially this part of the comment "The more we put out to the universe, negative or positive, well it comes back to us". You do amaze me with how simply and clearly you express complex ideas.

Lisa Gallagher

منذ 7 سنوات #74

It's amazing how negative emotions can over take the postive emotions Ali Anani. I think you described some of the mystery behind them well. We can co-exist as long as our common core is one that comes from a good place. I think we aren't able to co-exist if one person is positive (for the most part) and the other is inherently evil. I've always believed that positive attracts positive and vice versa. The more we put out to the universe, negative or positive, well it comes back to us. Everyone has negative emotions and that's not a bad thing. It's when we allow those emotions to dictate our lives and treat others unjustly because we feel so bitter inside.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #73

Yes, and passionately I understand your feelings.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #72

David Navarro L\u00f3pez for reminding us of this metaphor. To better understand this metaphor, I urge you to read David's buzz at the following link:

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #71

I am deeply moved by your comment Ian Weinberg. Thank you

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #70

Agreed, Max. It needs a big amount of self-honesty to be aware of what is wrong and change it. To forgive ourselves is as well an important point, as guilt might blur the way we should go forward.

Ian Weinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #69

An intelligent, innovative and thought provoking article. Thanks for this Ali.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #68

No idea who gave you a -1, Max. Maybe an inexperienced user who does not know how it works, because your comment is full of wisdom. I agree with your words "People fear changing themselves because then maybe they might have to take responsibility..." Self awareness can be a very disgusting experience if you don't like what you see, and you don't have the guts to change it. But is possible, in every case. Some time ago I wrote a post you might like, concerned to this:

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #67

Thanks for clarifying your comment Harvey Lloyd. I understand that the sarcasm can come from parenting experiences ;-) but..... objectively speaking.....that potential wisdom does exist and experiences with time does enable the realization of that potential.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #66

I have two wonderful children and 6 grandchildren so don't believe for a minute I am complaining. The teenage years are quite an epoch in parenting. Watching them look for independence while hanging on to parents was priceless I have the gray hair to prove it My youngest has just grasped and moving towards the interdependence phase. As a parent your wish is they can survive without you. I am now there. Life is good

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #65

Harvey Lloyd-may be it was the imaginative power that was in operation and not the wisdom. Going back to your three phases of life wherein dependence is the first one, but with imagination decreasing with age till a reversal happens and wisdom may become the overriding power.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #64

The age of infinite wisdom was somewhat sarcastic. I followed two teenage daughters who I new could develop a warp drive for the space shuttle😳

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #63

I love what I termed correctly "The Navarro Loop" and I am very grateful for your concise summary of it dear friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez. I am glad that you shared your link. There is something very interesting in your loop by referring to the "The only thing we can't do is to manage our feelings. But we can manage the other items of the Navarro loop, and thus, use and educate our feelings for the good, the bad, or whatever we decide to". This idea alone is a gem. I think your loop merits a second buzz with illustration and examples. It shall react as a reinforcement to this great loop.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #62

The Navarro loop was, as usual, the product of your great and provoking mind, dear Ali, and it was like this: Perception-knowledge-beliefs-feelings-action-interaction-perception, and it works both ways. This means that we can manage our own feelings by filtering what we allow our subconscious to reach, as only in the unconscious can be carried out complex cognitive processes. To put a "hyperbolic" example, anyone can see a violence scene based on racism in our day to day life. The way we perceive it is directly influenced by, in short, the Navarro loop. So if we allow racist "knowledge" percolate our mind, it will change our beliefs, feelings, so whenever we will see such a scene, we will think is ok, and probably lead us to add some violence, in action or words, to this act. The only thing we can't do is to manage our feelings. But we can manage the other items of the Navarro loop, and thus, use and educate our feelings for the good, the bad, or whatever we decide to. To accomplish your wish, and allow other readers to review it, here is the link

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #61

Thank you Sara Jacobovici. Hopefully, as we grow so our wisdom will.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #60

David Navarro L\u00f3pez- I truly enjoyed your thoughtful comment. Every line of it is packed with potential. I agree with the the potential or wisdom(to use @Sara Jacobovici suggestion in her following comment to yours ,such as : To have fear to lose one of our beloved ones is based on a positive emotion, love. To be anger because of violence is good. To hate racism is having the important things clear in mind. Love could be a negative emotion is it declines to a kind of domination. Empathy could be a negative emotion if it is intended to captivate someone and make ill things to him/her. As we discussed some time ago, on which it appeared the mentioned "Navarro Loop", being humans "social animals", the only way to really know if we are enhancing ourselves is using our social relationships as a mirror, and observe the reaction our actions are provoking to others. Every line is a buzz on its own. I wish you would remind readers of the "Navarro Loop" because it rings so many bells in my head. I love your balanced comment without reservation.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #59

David Navarro L\u00f3pez suggestion in her comment, such as : To have fear to lose one of our beloved ones is based on a positive emotion, love. To be anger because of violence is good. To hate racism is having the important things clear in mind. Love could be a negative emotion is it declines to a kind of domination. Empathy could be a negative emotion if it is intended to captivate someone and make ill things to him/her. As we discussed some time ago, on which it appeared the mentioned "Navarro Loop", being humans "social animals", the only way to really know if we are enhancing ourselves is using our social relationships as a mirror, and observe the reaction our actions are provoking to others. Every line is a buzz on its own. I wish you would remind readers of the "Navarro Loop" because it rings so many bells in my head. I love your balanced comment without reservation.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #58

As usual Ali Anani. Your comment is very well written and beautifully describes the developmental challenges of acquiring independence at the hands of our dependent relationships. Regarding your line, "The age of infinite wisdom of a teenager.", is more than generous from my perspective. I would substitute the word potential for wisdom. Each stage of development has its own unique form of wisdom, bu the infinite kind I leave to experience and that still comes with age.

David Navarro López

منذ 7 سنوات #57

The first question it assaulted my mind by reading your lines is: What should be considered a negative emotion? Fear? Anger? Hate? Envy? Shame? Frustration? Doubt? As you are pointing out, "negative emotions are integral part of our existence". To have fear to loose one of our beloved ones is based on a positive emotion, love. To be anger because of violence is good. To hate racism is having the important things clear in mind. And we could go through all of them to state that a negative emotion is none, while we do not allow it to make a worse person of us. Love could be a negative emotion is it declines to a kind of domination. Empathy could be a negative emotion if it is intended to captivate someone and make ill things to him/her. So we could well conclude that any emotion is negative as long as we don't use it to enhance ourselves. Now the question is: What is enhancement? The lack of fear or doubts would makes us brave or lunatic? The lack of frustration could be a sign of conformism? As we discussed some time ago, on which it appeared the mentioned "Navarro Loop", being humans "social animals", the only way to really know if we are enhancing ourselves is using our social relationships as a mirror, and observe the reaction our actions are provoking to others. If we achieve to make the others' world a better place, then we could almost say we are in the right way. Or maybe not. But who am I to decide what is right or wrong?

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #56

@Max Carter. I share some of your beliefs as we look at our existence. Myself, i am but a participant within the life experience. You approach things from a leader of life experience. I worked through this in one of my trial and error periods. I discovered that as a leader in life experiences for others i had a huge responsibility. The burden of this responsibility was too great. I pursue life now as a participant and share my experiences. I find the shared experience of leadership across many is preferable.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #55

Harvey Lloyd= loved this "If we can share as you do @Ali Anani, the light of direction as we look at nature to bring us back to the fundamentals of existence, we can begin a new trial and error period, with a renewed sense of direction". I simply admire this quote from you and yes we need to feel the sense of renewed direction. Yes, we are on a journey of trial and error.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #54

The fear that emanates from trial and error is often reflected by an outward assassination of others. Trial and error is a journey of choice. I take responsibility for the outcomes of the trial and error process. No one made me choose. When we take on this perspective the assassination doesn't seem so bad. Trial and error sometimes is a dark course. If we can share as you do Ali Anani, the light of direction as we look at nature to bring us back to the fundamentals of existence, we can begin a new trial and error period, with a renewed sense of direction. There was a time (My construction years) where i had responsibility for my actions, but others would blame me for their own trial and error outcomes. This was met with a very harsh reality check. I have come to understand that trial and error is the human existence. Our goal should be to shed light on taking responsibility for actions. To discuss one's concept of trial and error is futile. We debilitate into a comparison of right and wrong that only polarizes our perceptions. I believe with deep reflection we would find that all growth emanates from trial and error that didn't turn out well. Unfortunately, our need to find truth drives us to believe success was eminent until somebody done me wrong. This is when we choose not to learn about ourselves. In most cases, it sets up the next failure within trial and error. Your wisdom in this area is not only refreshing but appreciated.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #53

Max Carter- this extract from your comment reflects you "My thought process has always been to take in on every topic available and as new information presents itself take a moment to re-evaluate to see if the current understanding still holds true or needs a tweaking". This is augmented by another extract from a previous comment of yours "Using terms such as positive and negative create and reinforce a fear mentality". Your courage to express your different views is admirable.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #52

The questions were to identify that transendance from fear to thriving is a process. My experience is mine. When i view others, their journey is my focus. The "before this truth" question was to assist in understanding we are all at various stages in our journey. Moving past where we are is sometimes difficult and frustrating. Helping others with a comment or post through this growth is often met with anything but benevelance and soometimes ambivilance. But lifes journey is not always an easy process.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #51

Harvey Lloyd- no, you didn't misinterpret my metaphor; in contrast; you reinforced my belief in it. There is a statement in your comment that aroused my interest. This is " Everyone is in search of their truth. The search in some cases can be shared and expanded, in others, the journey has to find its own truth through trial and error". With the complexity of the world we live in many times trial and error is the only way to continue the journey. It is hear where we should be willing to experience the error without fear because we are all on the same boat. The turbulence of the journey demands on us to share because we are learning by trial and error.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #50

Your truth is real. But who were you before this truth was discovered? Who or how did you transcend the fences? The shared journey of all humans is a discussion of this transcendence. I don't claim to have it together by any means, but do realize i have traveled back and forth across the various zones of existence. If i can shed light on these journies and it helps others....this is the goal. The word journey is a word i use to relieve me from seeing another's position as a threat, but rather their journey to understanding. Sometimes i am allowed to share a part of the journey with them. Sometimes the fences are too high. This does not change the fact they are on a journey. I believe in a vacuum we all know what a journey of interdependence should look like. Everyone is in search of their truth. The search in some cases can be shared and expanded, in others, the journey has to find its own truth through trial and error. "Gandhi said be the change you want to see in the world." To be this change as Gandi suggested we can't preach to the choir. We have to share the journey with many who live in fear. Change comes from action that often times places us against our own beliefs and understandings. Ultimately meaning our fears are brought forward to test our resolve. This is the positive/negative metaphor that Ali Anani refers. (Correct me if i have misinterpreted your metophor here Ali.)

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #49

Harvey Lloyd may have a response. I quote from your comment "When interdependent and independent thinking cross paths we can usually find areas of our life where we are not interdependent. Meaning we have our own fences. How we handle these encounters are a critical aspect of our growth and success".You mention the word critical and I wonder how do you relate this with the critical phase two of our life journey. I am asking because I feel you have more to say.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #48

Harvey Lloyd will be interested in this idea. The crucial stage is exactly how you described it.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #47

Part 1. Fear can be a debilitating aspect of the human existence. The fear within us can cause us to build fences, hold folks at bay and genuinely defend our positions here in social media land. Haveing worked with many folks who seemed to have mastered survival in a fear based self-awareness style, it's sad to watch. Each of us is on a journey. This journey begins with total dependence on our caregivers. This phase of the journey is where we discover/establish some of our primeval emotional beliefs. Our second phase of existence is independence. The age of infinite wisdom of a teenager. This is the critical phase. We want that freedom of choice yet we are fearful of leaving our dependence group. How our caregivers, in this phase, operate sets the stage for the final step to even happen. Interdependence is the crucial stage where we begin to release our fears and understand the "Nature" of our existence as Ali Anani has been relating through his posts. Fences and the like tend to be built based on independence. Some folks need a neat tidy world that has very straight lines so that they can survive. The world of interdependence is fraught with new directions, understandings and challenges.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #46

Part 2. I don't believe we can stop or let the world do anything. We can find ways to communicate from our interdependent understanding that allows for not only our own growth but also those we come in contact. When interdependent and independent thinking cross paths we can usually find areas of our life where we are not interdependent. Meaning we have our own fences. How we handle these encounters are a critical aspect of our growth and success. I would like to say that i have mastered this interdependent phase but i fall victim to fear just like anyone else. If our world is to change then one person at the time will have to find their courage and realize those in the dependence realm need understanding, not labeling. Planting the seeds of new perspectives is our only tool. The seeds may be cast on solid rock or fertile ground, but the casting is what is important, the growth responsibility lies with the ground where the seed was planted. To cast seeds of discontent ensures that no growth will happen regardless of the ground they land. Interesting discussions @Max Carter.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #45

Alan Culler- I forgot to respond to your question "how to make "negative" emotions like fear work together with positive ones like "acceptance" or "openness" to achieve a more actions and outcomes beneficial to all"? My answer is by asking positive questions to complete the circuit. For example, if somebody says it is impossible to do this, asking positive questions is the buffer such as how to make it possible? What are alternatives ways to do the job? How to break the nut of the impossible? What creative approaches will help turn it to possible? What examples may guide us in our efforts?

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #44

It is always a source of pleasure to read your comments and buzzes Alan Culler. yes, we associate negatives with bad even though it is an essential part of the circuit". We are the bad singers because we distorted the meaning of negative. Fear gas some positive aspects for if a child, to give one example, is not fearful of fire will surely get hurt. It is fear that leads to accepting it and dealing with it wisely. We tend to flood some emotions and break the circuit.

Alan Culler

منذ 7 سنوات #43

Once again, @Ali Anani, you set me thinking. I love the analogies to trees, battery powered electrical current and atoms. They demonstrate that we live in a "both-and" world and not an "either-or" world. And as @MaxCarter says the labeling is often the source of the problem, liberal/Conservative, religious/secular -once the labels are plastered on dialogue becomes difficult. The question I see is how to make "negative" emotions like fear work together with positive ones like "acceptance" or "openness" to achieve a more actions and outcomes beneficial to all. Thanks to you for your marvelous musings.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #42

Your vocabulary is very rich CityVP Manjit and I appreciate your new description- you have hit the right word.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #41

Ah! If I may correct the correctness - the word that comes to mind is actually "astuteness" - that is the proof of concept I observe, while also observing that in this particular matter proof is not required, since the evidence of astuteness is 100% incontrovertible.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #40

CityVP Manjit- I appreciate your comment and your highlighting the polarization we experience due to what you ably diagnosed "and the missing electrolyte is listening".Absolutely and I love the idea the the electrolyte is listening. People get obsessed by their ideas and ignore listening. The result the battery of communication becomes the least to say very weak. The example you mention are exemplary of what we experience today. The claim of political correctness and unwillingness to listen is outstanding as all your examples are. As I commented on your recent buzz I drink from your wisdom well, this comment is a further proof of my "correctness.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 7 سنوات #39

Let me put the battery of emotions in a topical lens and first it is helpful seeing a few graphics about the political divide in America This divide is termed polarization and the missing electrolyte is listening. It does not matter here which polarity is anode or cathode, what matters is that the positive side of negative emotions has been ignored and that positive side is listening. For a society to be in flow it must learn to listen to views that it does not agree with and in recent years that flow has been interrupted. One of the factors that effected this polarity in recent decades has been the rise of political correctness. The rise of political correctness was considered as a positive side of positive emotions. Once political correctness took hold where did the negative emotions go? Those that noticed would have seen the negative humour of comedy clubs rise to greater harbouring of negativity. Those in Europe saw the awakening of far-right parties and the expression of extreme views begin to be visible again, even in a country we do not associate with extremism such as Sweden. In Hollywood films try to out-shock audiences with crude vulgarities and social media has seen people trying to out-do each other with novelty and viral craziness i.e. clowns. Then as these extremes grow, it culminates in a US Presidential election that left people wondering how things ever got this crazy. Now imagine life if we had welcomed the positive side of negative emotions.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #38

and I am extremely grateful to you sharing it. Yes, what your grandfather demonstrated is the proof that the best theory is an applied theory.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #37

I am watching with an open mind the great discussions between Harvey Lloyd. I wonder how Harvey would respond to the comment of Max.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #36

The hugeness of your wisdom is unbelievable Praveen Raj Gullepalli. Your comment is truly absorbing. Your reference to the Yin-Yang and explanations are truly admirable. I loved this so much "A positive environment is that which is non-judgemental, allows, encourages, understands, helps transform, accepts or empowers. Negatives and Positives are overlapping cycles". Your use of the words non-judgmental is spot on. I think this is a key issue and your raising it iss timely. I am full of appreciation for your contribution, which further enriches an already rich discussions here.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #35

Max Carter addressed to you

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #34

@Max Carter. The "rabbit hole" is a scary place. Many will avoid the quest altogether by building fences/hard points. They need the fences in order to keep order within their lives. There is another extreme, living in rabbit holes as a way to avoid reality. I have worked with both. Honestly, have lived both styles. I enjoy seeing different perspectives and am not afraid of saying no i can't go down the hole, but can appreciate others motivation and excitement. When we bump into the proverbial fenced in yard we either go around or through. Going through means we have to accept the owners perspective and explore it with them. When in a fenced in yard i do a lot of listening, learn what i can and move on. If i know or hear the junkyard dog barking i typically go around. Your posts are a little out there for me but i learn alot from your perspective. I appreciate the time and posts.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #33

Max Carter- I agree fully

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #32

Max Carter- Yes, I am aware of your linked buzz because I liked it, shared it and commented on it before. Now, I have shared it again because I feel it deserves much more attention. In fact, I wrote this buzz in response to your linked buzz. I felt you have new thoughts (and I am sure you do). Just review the comments here and I have no doubt you shall contribute another great buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #31

Max Carter- I love your attitude and self-expression. You question things deeply and this what makes the "battery of minds" work. If we all were in agreement nothing shall happen and we shall then freeze ourselves wit limited frames. I am still probing and pondering on your ideas and I am sure new thinking shall emerge. I deeply enjoy our discussion and I expect you to write a buzz again. This is how we keep the wheel running.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #30

Aurorasa Sima- glad we see eye-to-eye on this topic. I thank you for your encouraging comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #29

Glenn Melcher- your encouragement is beyond description. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #28

Aitor Vacas Carrillo-thank you and you thrilled me with your comment. You boosted my determination to try to understand more.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #27

- and I have the choice to say I love your comment. I do

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #26

Deb Helfrich- you pleased me greatly with your astute comment. I am so glad that you attended to the atom and orbits metaphor because this is a prime point of this buzz. Yes, we need to go back to our nuclei and core values. I love your description "perhaps occasionally throwing us into an unstable balance, but we simply need to return to our core, cultivate our center, and we shall in no time be back to homeostasis in regards to our emotional life". You captured my understanding of the subject extremely well.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #25

How to respond to your appreciation is a puzzle for me. Thank you deeply Tausif Mundrawala for your lovely and emotional words that fuel me to keep trying and learning.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #24

Max Carter- you remind me of numbers and when the concept of negative numbers was introduced. Later people realized the value of negative numbers to represent debt. As for negative waves, you may enjoy this video Yes, we do have differing, but interesting views on this issue. This is why I am enjoying ts dialogue.

Glenn Melcher

منذ 7 سنوات #23

Ali Anani another amazing share..

David B. Grinberg

منذ 7 سنوات #22

Thanks for another interesting read, Ali. I think it's up to each individual to control the way they think. Positive or negative thinking is a choice. Choose wisely.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #21

Tausif Mundrawala- brilliant idea of yours "Under the garb of unfulfillment, our desires place the entire blame on negativity". This is a sharp observation and you really got me thinking.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #20

Thank you for making a short, but very eloquent comment Sushmita Thakare Jain. Yes, success is failure turned inside out. This is a powerful insight

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #19

Great insights in your comment dear debasish majumder. Your words are so simple; yet very profound "a negative one can serve as positive". Absolutely and you give the prescription "e may get rid of such illusion by our observation in more critical fashion and empirical approach". I enjoyed your comment immensely.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #18

Thank you dear Jeet Sarkar for your appreciation and highlighting what you liked most about the buzz. This helps me as a writer. I thank you too for sharing the buzz.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #17

Your insight, knowledge and ability to communicate overrides your modesty Harvey Lloyd's encouragement.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #16

Well, then I transfer my suggestion to Sara Jacobovici

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #15

No this is a great area that Sara Jacobovici has been posting and dont feel i could do it the justice it deserves.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #14

Are you writing a buzz on this? Your comment is a great idea for an expanded buzz Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #13

Let me add the negative so the light may be brighter. The cognitive dissonance of the "universal understanding" meeting the reality of self-expression is debilitating to the progress of well-being.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #12

#14 Gentlemen, Harvey Lloyd, I am flattered and inspired by your encouragement. I will do my best not to disappoint.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #11

Profoundly expressed comment Harvey Lloyd will write a new buzz to add to her bundle of great buzzes on duality (if I remember correctly- four of them so far).

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #10

"Emotion is a label for feelings which are universally agreed upon but subjectively experienced." This is a great statement, the implications to self-awareness are meaningful, Sara Jacobovici. I can see the cognitive dissonance within the statement. The universal agreement when spoke in a macro context would appear to be incongruent with how we experience the same in a group setting. I find the "Duality" you have written about in this very quote. Our universal understanding of "emotions" appears to be congruent. In reality or our own actions the understanding is different, the "duality". I believe this phrase should become another post in your duality series.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #9

Sara Jacobovici- in few words you summarized the whole issue of emotions "What distracts is us using positive and negative as a judgment rather than a description related to role and function". Absolutely, and how can battery function without the negative? I also find your wisdom in writing "Emotion is a label for feelings which are universally agreed upon but subjectively experienced". How true your statement is! I just say I agree. I repeat here there is no positive without negative and they are the two sides of the coin Either we accept the coin or reject it. If we choose to reject, then we bear the consequences.

Sara Jacobovici

منذ 7 سنوات #8

"It is our separation thinking that wants the positive without the negative. It is our perception that negatives are bad." In this statement Ali Anani I think can be found the basis of your perspective. Positive and negative are measurements, so to speak. In other words, they describe an objective property of an object, element or process. Emotion is a label for feelings which are universally agreed upon but subjectively experienced. You use the word "want". This is the first indication that we're not talking about the emotion itself, what role the emotion has, is it reflective of the current situation, is the internal "perception", the next word you use Dr. Ali, in sync or aligned with the external expectation? We are talking about the meaning the individual holds of the emotion. In some instances, an individual's experience re-frames what is generally thought of as positive emotion and produces a negative response, and vice versa. As you say, "opposites coexist" because everything has a role, everything provides a service to the function of the whole. What distracts is us using positive and negative as a judgment rather than a description related to role and function.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #7

namita sinha- you delighted me with your absorbing comment and by your highlighting two key issues: 1- You have so correctly and impactfully highlighted the importance of negative emotions as much as the positive ones in our life 2-Unfortunately the social conditioning sometimes encourages us to hide or suppress our emotions especially when they are negative like anger, fear, jealousy , etc..; thus doing away with the opportunity of building awareness and moving ahead from there… I am in total agreement with you and very pleased that your comment reflects my purpose of writing this buzz. Big thank you to you

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #6

namita sinha- loved your very balanced comment and in particular "but the only way of examining this fear deeply and reaching its origin is to first allow the emotion to exist , accept it and then move ahead to work on it". This is a keypoint as rejecting or ignoring an emotion shall not remove it. As for your writing "Loved the battery analogy, and I can only say that when both the positive and negative emotions are allowed to express themselves freely igniting the light of clarity and awareness about what really matters to us, can there be a lasting brightness , in the bigger frame of self and community", I am happy you share the view of Harvey Lloyd who expressed same opinion. Yes, there is no battery without both positive and negative emotions and hence no light to guide us in accepting our emotions in their full spectrum. Thank you Namita for writing such a lovely comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #5

Harvey Lloyd- just to say I am so fond of your synopsis of the battery idea and its relevance to emotions by your writing "When a positive group is met with a negative it should produce light". You spoke my mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #4

Knowing you I expected you to make more comments Harvey Lloyd. You proved me right. I fully agree with your comment and love this part "Negative inputs into the group dynamic help us narrow and test our flight plan". This iis a great support to the title of this buzz that negative have positive effects. Yes, your comment resonates with me.

Ali Anani

منذ 7 سنوات #3

What is splitting my hair Harvey Lloyd is the quality of your comment, as always. You wrote "If our emotions distract us from our personal goals, essential to our well-being, then these emotions are having a negative impact. The emotion is not negative". You remind me of the questions on is it the paint or painter, and is it the song or the singer who is faulty? SOmetimes we mix up things. .

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #2

Ali Anani loved the battery analogy. When a positive group is met with a negative it should produce light. It should refine our "electrons" not disable the process. In continuing the "negative emotions" discussion, often times the negatives are met by the group as emotional responses. "Party Pooper" if you will. No, i personally want everyone to believe my idea or growth goals as perfect and cheer me on. This is not a reality. Success comes from trial and error. Negative inputs into the group dynamic help us narrow and test our flight plan. All too often we focus on the emotion of how something was presented instead of the content. Sometimes this content is difficult to find. Looking past the emotion though we can find the content of someone elses experience and use the lessons learned.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 7 سنوات #1

Ali Anani the discussion really got down to splitting some hairs. I agree with @Max Carter when we only look at the emotions of a single individual in a vacuum. There are no negative emotions. When we step out of the vacuum though and wish to participate in social or, professional groups, emotions can assist or detract from the goal of the individual. I also agree that the use of the word negative in the context of emotions is inappropriate. But loosely defined in today's world, the statement of negative emotions refers to the emotion's distraction within a group. This i think is a true statement from the groups perspective, yet an irrational starting point for discussion. If our emotions distract us from our personal goals, essential to our well-being, then these emotions are haveing a negative impact. The emotion is not negative. Our emotions help us step cautiously through new adventures. We should explore our anger, sadness and anxiety as we stretch our wings. Test the ground beneath our feet. This is a normal process. Sometimes though past experience coupled with the emotions experienced can blind us to opportunity. To say "no" to something before you have tested the new ground may imply that the emotional response is holding back full discovery.

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