Jim Murray

7 years ago · 3 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Jim blog
The Upsides Of Being Excellent To Each Other On BeBee. And Everywhere Else.

The Upsides Of Being Excellent To Each Other On BeBee. And Everywhere Else.

Be Excellent To Each Other

Ted Theodore Logan
I recently disconnected from several of the political and news sites that feed into my Facebook page.
I was scrolling through this stuff when it finally hit me.
Murray + Creative Director
Onwords & Upwords Inc. &
beBee Brand Ambassador
I am a communications professional,
arily a strategist & writer. I work with
small to mid sized businesses, designers,

art/creative directors & consultants to
ate results driven, strategically focused
mmunications in all on & offline media.

Iam also a communications mentor,
lyricist & prolific op/ed beBee blogger.
: 416 463-3475 + Bmail: onandup3@gmail com » Skype: jimbobmur6l
These posts, which mostly have to so with all the crap going on in the United States right now, from the insane presidential race to the war on terror to the ongoing war by the police against unarmed black men to mass shootings to….well, pick a cozy little corner of hell and my Facebook page would take you there.
Most of the stuff I was looking at, commenting on and responding to in little memes that I don’t really post anywhere else, was horrendously dark.
Oh sure, I still got all the news from family and friends and the cat videos I so dearly love, but somehow, slowly and insidiously, I started to see Facebook as something akin to the Ninth Gate of Hell.
But more than that I started to see all this stuff I was letting into my life for what it really was, which was propaganda.
Propaganda You Agree With Is Still Propaganda

This revelation was not any sort of shock. The notion had been knocking around in my head for a few months now.
But like any revelation of substance that you have, it was slow in coming. But the other day it blossomed and instead of sitting around and intellectualizing it, like I usually do, I did something about it.
In addition to ditching all the propaganda sites, I also renewed my commitment to stay the hell away from cable news and their drill-down-to the-absolute-bottom-of-every-single-thing-that-happens bullshit.
I don’t need to know all that stuff. In point of fact, I can’t really think of anybody who does.
But I digress.

What’s This Got To Do With BeBee?

a7c1543e.pngI don’t know about you, but to be honest, I kind of backed into my parking space here on beBee.
I was retreating from darkness of a different sort, which was all the frustration I was feeling after three or four years of building a following on LinkedIn, only to have to unceremoniously squashed over the course of a few months.
But I have gotten straightened around and very quickly came to view beBee as a kind of brand new start.
A lot of the people I know here feel the same way and are, like me, happy to do whatever is within our power and our skills sets to help beBee succeed.
Being Excellent Means Beeing Positive

7c04ffdf.jpgIf you are reading as a beBee user, then you are part of the beBee expeditionary force. Because the first few years of a site’s existence is what will define its character going forward.
I know for a fact that Javier and Juan (beBee’s owners), their staff, Matt Sweetwood, John White, all the beBee ambassadors chosen so far and dozens of other people, all want BeBee to be seen as a positive and constructive entity, insofar as that is possible.
And that starts right down at the grass roots level. One user to another, to another and so on.
This is achieved by, among other things:
• Treating the opinions of your fellow bees with respect in your comments even when you are disagreeing with them.
• Supporting people who post stuff you get something good out of by sharing it, within beBee and more importantly on other social media sites.
• Writing good posts about the stuff you believe is important
Finding out more about the people you find interesting and deepening your relationships with them.
The Upside of Positivity

The mathematics of beBee is very simple.
As the site grows, you get to know more people. Get to discover more opportunities. Get to grow your following. Get to exchange more ideas. Get to find more things that interest you. Get to have a much richer social media experience.
And to get all this, all you have to do is give a little.
A little involvement. A little appreciation. A little kindness. A little encouragement. A little response. A little positivity.
beBee is committed to organic growth, but they are also committed to making everybody’s experience here as positive as it can be.

The How Of beBee

Somebody once told me that the personality of an organization is reflected in the personalities of its owners. From all I have been able to see, Juan & Javier are very positive and well intentioned people.
They are also smart businessmen who want to make beBee a thing of value in the social media world. Who doesn’t want that?
But for them, it’s about the how.
And trust me when I tell you they have chosen the high road.
They have charted a positive, constructive course and I really do believe that this reflects their personalities as much as it does their aspirations.
So in the immortal words of Ted ‘Theodore' Logan….Be Excellent To Each Other.
There’s no downside to doing that. On beBee, or anywhere else for that matter.


If you have a marketing or communications challenge you would like to discuss, (no obligation), there are three ways you can contact me:
Direct Line:
416 463-3475 • 
Email: onandup3@gmail.com • 
Skype: jimbobmur61
If you want to read more of my posts and follow me, you can do that here: 


Download my free ebook, Small Business Communications For The Real World, here: 

All my profile and contact information can be accessed here:

All content copyright 2016 Jim Murray.


Milos Djukic

7 years ago #20

Once again thank you Jim Murray for this article.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #19

Thanks Julie Hickman...

Jim Murray

7 years ago #18

Thnaks again David Grinberg

Jim Murray

7 years ago #17

John White, MBA. Two years ago I shut down my FB account for the reasons I describe here and started a new one with only about 100 friends. I subscribed to these news outlets because I was attracted to the Trump Traveling Circus. But like everything it just got to be too much.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #16

Thanks Vincent Andrew

Jim Murray

7 years ago #15

Steven Kalavity I'm sure there will be no censorship imposed here. The main purpose of this piece is to promote civility. There will always be trolls and morons and smartest guys in the room. It comes with the territory as the site grows. But if we can at least promote the idea of civility then we might just all be better off. It's more intellectually challenging to make a hard point without resorting to some sort of below the belt tactic. But you can find that sort of thing anywhere. It would be nice if we can set some sort of example for healthy civilized debate.

Jim Murray

7 years ago #14

That was a very Milos Djukic

Jim Murray

7 years ago #13

Phil Friedman. You kn ow as well as I do that it's hard to control how people interpret anything. The strong implication here is civilized discourse as opposed to in your face rudeness is a much better way to carry on, more or less as we have for the past year or more. Also on the issues of the FU, just remember who pranked whom in the first place. :)

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #12

Thank you, David, for the kind words. Which I genuinely appreciate. You and I do, however, have to have a talk about not pumping Jimbo up too much; he's hard enough to deal with as it is.:=)

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #11

Milos, in the main, I agree with your position -- as you well know, since we've discussed this quite a bit. And as in the past, I am moved to point out that sugary sweet words and phrases of affection are not always meaningful or genuine expressions of care (or love). Somewhere in the mix there has to be authenticity. As Chung King wrote in the Second Scroll of his aphorisms (circa 650 AD), "Mistake not external form for genuine underlying substance." Cheers!

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #10

#10 Hm Jim Murray, being positive is a very popular concept in social media and elsewhere, but I think that it need some further clarification. I wrote this on Li, but the same applies here: " How to find your proper voice, having in mind that the essence is in the conversations? There is only one extreme and that is to give only positive comments on other people's writing. This is a fairly common practice, here on LI. This is certainly not what we want. Critical or negative comments, made by some members, may cause some degree of discomfort on both sides. In order to avoid indifference, which is undesirable, we need to provide highly emotional engagement of an audience. In this case, both emotions: “love” (admiration - respect) and “anger” (disappointment - discourage) may occur at the same time. Fortunately, “anger” can easily be turned into “love” if handled appropriately. My experience suggests that the effects of tactful critiques are often highly undervalued. I think that criticism is useful for everyone, but social media criticism modeling, that will have fruitful effects (stretch and grow), is a special kind of art. What is important is the way in which we manifest our disagreement. People tend to feel threatened when they are attacked. A heated discussion can be very fruitful, but also unproductive. A good foundation is certainly unquestionable respect of diversity and a very careful interpretation of other people's attitudes. Communication is always a two way process."Nice words and iron door opens!" A nice word does not need to be only agreement or approval. "

CityVP Manjit

7 years ago #9

Taking the high road does not mean taking the blind road and taking the fun road does not mean taking the silly road - for the high road should be about reputation and the fun road about viability. The wrongs of the world will not be righted because beBee was created, there will be plenty wrong with the world even after beBee IPO's or is acquired by a digital behemoth. What it does portend is marrying European sensibility with global startup mentality - which still has its hallmark in Silicon Valley. Last year HBR published an article called "How Europe Can Create Its Own Silicon Valley" https://hbr.org/2015/06/how-europe-can-create-its-own-silicon-valley It isn't opinion that matters in this context, opinion is ubiquitous as networked utility, what matters is vision transforming itself into being. In that context beBee becomes a verb. The consumption element is designed limitation or as our good friend Aurorasa Sima says in her article about beBee "The lover of cat pictures will not have to see the posts of the scientists, the business professional will not be bothered with political posts, the grumpy person can stay away from "happy quotes." from http://www.successful-online-business.com/2016/08/linkedin-alternative-bebee-review.html At a time when diversity is being rejected whether that be Brexit, or insular European countries that were formerly under the control of the USSR or those that favour Trump in the US, diversity in technology design is not a political question, it is a digital phenomena for creators rather than consumers and if I knew how to make that personally exponential - I would be doing that now - I don't, but beBee is in a prime position in a landscape where digital surprise and speed is the norm. High road & fun is good.

John White, MBA

7 years ago #8

Jim Murray: Your first paragraph had me cracking up. You described my exact experience on Facebook. I've contemplated shutting down my account on Facebook more times than I can remember. Thanks for a great post.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #7

FYI, Jim: I shared this in the following hives: beBee English, Inspiration, and Positive Psychology. Moreover, Phil Friedman also makes some excellent points as well about striking the right balance between being positive and offering constructive criticism to advance an open dialogue on the issues. Being positive doesn't mean being a conformist. Great points, too Phil!

Jim Murray

7 years ago #6

Thanks David. I will continue on my quest to help save America from itself. It's my pro bono mission for this year. I have started a new series of memes on Facebook. Just remember, America was a perfectly good country till the multinational corporations took it over and sucked all the jobs out if it.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #5

Kudos to you Jim Murray for another excellent buzz, especially about being positive. It's amazing how beBee appears to have transformed at least some of your healthy cynicism and skepticism into positive thinking (albeit not about about the USA -- which I suppose is understandable). What an amazing development. Let's call it, "The beBee Effect"! As a purveyor of the power of positivity, I'm just thrilled to read this buzz, Jim. You might want to check out the godfather of positive thinking, the late American Minister, Norman Vincent Peale https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Vincent_Peale Wishing you a positively wonderful weekend, Jim.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #4

@ Jim Murray - Good post, Jim. As anyone who has followed the twenty installments of "HE SAID HE SAID" knows, you and I are friends, as well as literary compradres. And we have come to trust and support one another. But what is authentic about our relationship on beBee, LinkedIn, and elsewhere -- a relationship that began by you telling me in print to go F$#K myself -- is that neither of us has felt the need to stroke the other or agree when we do not. I fear that your words here will be misinterpreted by many to imply that one should never openly disagree or be critical of someone else's expression of ideas or opinion. Which I know for a fact is neither your meaning, nor intent. For if I understand you correctly (which I sometimes do not), you see positivity as being open to the ideas and opinions of others, and when disagreeing, being civil and polite. Positivity equals civility, not mindless conformity. As you well know, my own feeling is that constantly knee-jerk patting and stroking is not a sign of caring, and that truly engaged conversation is more than simply waiting politely for your turn to speak -- too often about oneself. No, just as friends don't let friends drive drunk, friends don't let friends express half-assed ideas and opinions, without at least discussing the matter. And if anyone is interested in see how that works, I recommend watching for the next installment of HE SAID HE SAID, in which we and two other bees turn it into (HE SAID HE SAID) ^2, and demonstrate how people can be good friends, yet disagree in lively discussion. Cheers!

Jim Murray

7 years ago #3

Irene Hackett...Thanks...it's kinda like what I imagine kicking heroin would be like.
A most excellent idea, Jim Murray!

Pascal Derrien

7 years ago #1

I think if most people are just themselves and not trying to act or build a persona which is not them it will be fine my two cents :-)

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