Jim Murray

7 years ago · 3 min. reading time · 0 ·

Jim blog
Why The Value Of Experience Should Never, Ever Be Underestimated In Today's World

Why The Value Of Experience Should Never, Ever Be Underestimated In Today's World

I'have a close
associate who 1s
30 years younger
than me. He works
with me because,
in his words:
“You know all
kinds of shit
that | don’t. | want
to learn all that.”The words in quotes in the graphic you see here are true. The guy who is quoted is an extremely talented, no, gifted, individual with the uncanny ability to look at any sort of marketing problem that needs to be solved and come up with an innovative and effective road map to a solution.
% i PRT
about ideas,


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He can also do a lot of what’s required to realize that solution. But he has learned through experience that if he has someone to work with who has more experience and expertise than he does in certain areas where he is a little deficient, that will give him everything he needs to get his projects where he wants them to go.

This is Atypical Behaviour, To Put It Mildly.

My associate here is not exactly typical of most younger people in communications these days. Why? Because he knows what he doesn’t know, and a lot of people out there simply don’t. And they are too egotistical to appreciate the value of experience.
This often works to their detriment, as they are constantly biting off more than they can chew and paying the price for it with rejection, lost business and hits to their reputations. I know this because a lot of the people I have worked for over the past few years have had this same experience. And they don't use pleasant language to describe it.
Many of these 'digital' types simply don’t respect the idea that the people who came before them could actually be able to help them fill in the experiential blanks that keep them from achieving real success. They believe that people who are more seasoned than they are, are simply anachronisms, with nothing to offer the digital world.
But the simple fact of the matter is that many of the people who started their careers in the days before the Internet and digital marketing, and who are still alive and kicking today, probably have a much better grasp on the fundamentals of digital communication than most 'digital' people do.


Jim Murray, Strategist, Writer
& beBee Brand Ambassador

I work with small to mid-sized businesses,
designers, art/creative directors & consultants
fo create results driven, strategically focused
communication in all on & offline media



| am also a communications mentor, lyricist

& prolific op/ed blogger. Your Story Well Told


Email: onanc


mail com | Skype: jimbobmuré1
I know this because I have had a number of conversations with so called 'old school' strategists and creative people and was literally blown away at how they view creativity in the digital realm.
In short, their experience in the analog world has given them a considerable leg up when it comes to adapting to how the digital world really works. Why? Because they know how to create ideas. And ideas are something that, in the digital world, are relatively hard to come by. If there were more ideas, then the success rate would be much more substantial than it currently is.
And if believe it’s some big deal for a communications professional, who had to understand the ins and outs of a Procter and Gamble or Coca Cola or IBM, to really have any trouble figuring out Google or Facebook or Twitter, well your naivety is showing.

The Fundamentals Are Fundamentals Because They Are Fundamental

The main key to communications success for businesses in the digital age is not just finding the smartest digital marketers around, but making sure that the people they work with can handle any challenge, digital or analog, that comes their way. This will ensure the highest levels of effectiveness, synergy and branding excellence right across the board.
If you have ageism or old school/new school issues in communications these days, that could pretty much be a nail in your coffin, because without the wisdom of the past, success in the future is extremely hard, and constantly getting harder, to achieve.
The strategic processes involved in communications have not changed substantially in the past 50 years. All that's different are the tools and a basic understanding of how they work.
And honestly, to an experienced communications professional, none of this is rocket science. It's just part of what they have always done.


If you liked this post, let me know. If you liked it enough to share it, please feel free.

If your business has reached the point where talking to an experienced  communication professional would be the preferred option to banging your head against the wall or whatever, lets talk.
Download my free ebook Small Business Communication For The Real Worlhere:

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All content Copyright 2017 Onwords & Upwords Inc.


Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #15

#27 Classic piece from Phil Friedman

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #14

Gerald Hecht, my dear and valued co-archivist of The Scrolls of Chung King (circa 650 AD), as you, I do not pretend to be a vessel of wisdom, but only a humble keeper and purveyor of the Wisdom of Chung King, a cuisine to feed the soul. I hope that your toil in the restoration of The Scrolls has given you as much pleasure and satisfaction as it has given me. https://www.bebee.com/producer/@friedman-phil/six-life-lessons-for-today-from-chung-king

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #13

Phil Friedman - Yeah, I know. Krispy Kreme are OK and close to my house, so convenient. Someone told me about this place: http://www.psychodonuts.com/ But might be too psycho for me, sugar-wise. Like you said -- surviving abuse does not make you stronger, it just makes you sick! Here is another "lost in translation" food place, similar to KFC in Taiwan: Domino's Pizza in Tokyo.

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #12

Gerald Hecht Cat experiment? You mean like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gl7xr5rftc

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #11

Precisely, Gerald Hecht, that which does not kill you doesn't always make you stronger. Sometimes -- perhaps more often than we like to admit -- it just wears you down. At some point, you need to decrease the number of mistakes you make and lower the rate at which you make them, or ... die. It's called learning from one's mistakes and is something we all need to do more frequently.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #10

Gerald Hecht seems to like. BTW, some mistakes don't make you stronger, just sick to your stomach. Like Kentucky Fried Chicken in Taiwan.

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #9

Very true

Jim Murray

7 years ago #8

Thanks, Don \ud83d\udc1d Kerr. Actually it has is certain ways. It's those damn donuts.

don kerr

7 years ago #7

More truthiness from my Beezer Buddy Jim Murray That move to the hinterlands hasn't slowed you down at all my friend.

Wayne Yoshida

7 years ago #6

This is a great "life lesson," Jim Murray - it should be a two way exchange. I just wish more people are more open-minded to let new thoughts and ideas in instead of blowing stuff out in only one direction.

Kevin Pashuk

7 years ago #5

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." Isaac Newton We like to think our brilliance is unique, but rather it is cumulative. Wise is the young person who realizes this early.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #4

Jim, what can I say that won't be, or which hasn't been said by others your nuggets of business wisdom. It is not a coincidence that the tagline I've used in my core business for decades is "The Port Royal Group ,,, because experience always matters." Experience matters because it not only helps in getting new projects off the ground, but it also helps one to avoid dead ends and errors. I often explain to prospective clients that I can help them avoid costly mistakes not because I'm so brilliant, but because I've already myself made most of them. Cheers!

Jim Murray

7 years ago #3

I need a translator. I hear that a lot. Thanks Jerry Fletcher

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #2

Nice buzz, Jim. I think mentoring a new generation of young leaders is a win-win. That's because each professional can learn from each other. This shared knowledge empowers both parties to work more effectively, efficiently and expeditiously in today's fast-evolving mobile, digital and virtual Information Age. Also, I would be remiss without noting that mentoring is not about give and take, just giving to those who are being mentored. However, as Gen Xers and Boomers know, young people could likewise teach us new skills or how to improve upon using new technology and leverage it for professional purposes. Therefore, this strikes me as a mutually beneficial type of mentoring relationship, as you deem appropriate.

Jerry Fletcher

7 years ago #1

Jim, You're right. Keep tellin' it like it is. It ain't rocket science. Reminds me of the guy I turned down to build a direct marketing arm of my agency. Later when I started consulting he asked me to consult as the interim COO of his world class firm. When I asked him why he said, "I know how to do what I do but I don't know how to talk to these Brand types and the bigger the client gets the more of them there are that don't know what they don't know. I need a translator."

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