Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago · 2 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Lisa blog
Why It's Not Professional To Openly Dis Other Networks and People

Why It's Not Professional To Openly Dis Other Networks and People

bi 77 rig hi 17)

I recently stumbled upon a blog which was written on another network I won't mention.  This blog mentioned beBee and it's CEO, Javier. The blog appeared defamatory in nature but I would assume it could be said, it was just the 'opinion' of the author. There were no comments written on this blog, so I refrained from writing one.  

This article asserted that beBee Ambassadors are sent emails "telling them which articles to push." This is not true. Yes, we are sent articles but we are NOT expected to push them. If we share the articles, it's because we found the article relevant and shared it for that reason alone.  I push articles because I WANT to not because I feel obligated to do so. I also push articles that are highly relevant because beBee is still in its promotional stages and as an Ambassador, I want to see beBee succeed. 

The article went so far as to warn others to stay away from beBee if you have "any integrity in you." I found the comment be very unprofessional.  Different strokes for different folks, right? If you prefer one network over another there is nothing wrong with that but it's unprofessional to defame another network.  There are constructive ways to make a point and then there are destructive ways to share your 'feelings,' one must keep this in mind because it's no different if you were to write a complaint online about a former employer and name them.  I can assure others that if you have a great resume yet write defamatory remarks about your former employer,  other employers will not want to contact you because you will appear very untrustworthy. 

I want to be clear, the beBee Ambassadors I know personally are promoting beBee because they find great value in this network. Ambassadors also cross promote articles from other networks and magazine articles too. We all meet others through common passions.  Every network has its attributes and they compliment one another. beBee's CEO, Javier Carmara Rica understands the value of each network and how they do compliment each other, he's made this very clear with various articles (buzzes) he's written. You should never put your eggs in one basket because different networks compliment each other. 

15 beBee's Brazi Content Manager
She loves traveling around the &
world. She is a foodie and

| chocolate is her weakness



Ebon through personal passions to
le more powerful business relationships

beBee Ambassadors are not paid for promoting beBee, we promote the network because we love it! Many of us are still using other networks as well and they certainly compliment each other. Twitter is my go to for meeting new people and many of the buzzes I post get re-shared generously. I used to write blogs on Linkedin but I decided beBee was giving me more exposure so I use beBee's producer to write my blog posts (buzzes) now. I still use Linkedin to read other's articles and share as time allows but I don't have as much time to spend there because there is only so much time in a day. Many people are cross-posting articles to Facebook too. I've even used Instagram to promote my photos and material from beBee because I do have a following on Instagram. What makes it a bit tough for articles to be seen are the algorithms imposed on sites like Instagram- I've found my reach has declined since Instagram implemented algorithms but that doesn't mean I won't use their platform. 

The bottom line: If you are willing to promote others and this statement applies to any network, you'll find that others will promote you as well. If you are kind and respectful of others it's reciprocated. I've met many people who are extremely busy yet, they will gladly offer help if you need it. I have to admit, the help I've personally been offered has come from those I've met on beBee and the offers aren't just exclusive to myself. 

If you haven't checked out MyTweetPack yet, I highly recommend it. Paul "Pablo" Croubalian developed this app which allows for Auto-Tweets and growth hacking. I am not tech savy but the App is simple even for somone like myself. Paul also has excellent tech support available, so if you have any questions or run into problems he's on it ASAP, I know this because I was his test 'dummy,' (inside joke). 

Remember, don't put all your eggs in one basket, have fun while keeping your professionalism and keep an open mind!


Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #100

Always good stuff! Thanks Paul Walters :))

Paul Walters

7 years ago #99

There is so much good stuff here so why concentrate and waste time on the bad????

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #98

Linkedin has been around since 2003 and marketing was different back then. They also did not have the competition that's out there now. So, if some view Ambassadors as cheerleaders for beBee, that's OK. We want to see beBee succeed and we are utilizing tools to help us do that. Linkedin has also charged and made a lot of money from Premium users, beBee is not doing that. As Javier wrote, don't put all your eggs in one basket- which means utilize other networks as well if you are trying to brand yourself or increase your audience for the sake of marketing eg. What's funny (not in a haha type of way) is the fact that I never knocked or mentioned Linkedin's name in this article. It's sad that it turned into a back and forth about Linkedin, & others who don't care for beBee instead of staying focused on my message. I have no personal issues with Linkedin, still have friends there that I keep in contact with. Both networks differ yet have a lot to offer. I know people who hate facebook and quit using it... but there are many who enjoy it too. It's all a matter of personal preference Robert. I've been using social networking platforms since the late 90's... IRC was the first.. we were using Windows 3.11 then and I like what I'm seeing with beBee, so call me a cheerleader... I just need to run out and get my uniform with a 'Bee" on it ;-) LOL

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #97

Thank you Jim Murray for explaining the actions/inactions of Linkedin. Yes, the accusations he made about beBee were false. Thank you for explaining and the warning RE: The Pulse. They run a tight ship on this site and that's why they are retaining their users because they do care!

Jim Murray

7 years ago #96

I saw that article. It sounded more like a temper tantrum than anything else. Every accusation was bullshit. He was just trying to get back at Javier for actually doing the right thing. Whenever you see something like this, you have to go right back to the beginning and if you do that you can piece together the truth. I write a lot of articles dissing LinkedIn. So do a lot of people I know. But all of us felt totally justified in doing that, because their actions, or inactions, directly affecting our networks and constituted broken promises and definoitely violations of trust. We were sold a bill of goods and we were pissed about it. The writing I am doing right now is more by way of an explanation and a warning to those who continue to post on Pulse and are wondering why their reach is virtually non-existent. It's not dissing to criticize a system that fails its users. It's a public service. I would do the same thing to beBee if they ever started failing us. Fortunetely this site is run by people who actually care about their users.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #95

Robert Bacal Believe it or not I care about this network/platform and that's my bottom line. He chose to write an article that targeted the CEO of this platform and made a false accusation about the Ambassadors. How others choose to respond to this buzz is also their choice. Maybe he should have been a bit more careful in his own choice of words. My buzz was not written with ill intent unlike his. As you can see here and on other buzzes, they take on a life of their own with comments. By tagging others as you did is also egging people on. I'm not going to keep trying to defend what I wrote. I know what my intentions were, they were not ill intentions and that's all I have to say about it :)
OMG, Aleta Curry! What a rotten Monday you had last week! Is your husband really OK? What an interesting thread this has been -- blocking Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee, professionals (???) dissing other professionals, and yet coming together here as a community. My head's spinning . . . but I'm smiling, too. Make this Monday a great one, everyone!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #93

Thank you!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #92

You can add me to your Christmas card list Aleta Curry LOL. Ouch, sounds like your week is off to a stressful beginning. I'm sorry that happened to your husband but very glad to hear he didn't get hurt, that could have been a serious accident. I just noticed Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee's comment about being blocked too... did we read that right? YOU? No way?!! Were you being too nice? LOL... agree, I've never seen you being rude. Direct, yes.. rude NO. Hmm maybe Aleta is onto something with MS. Wishing you a better week Aleta!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #91

Hi Aleta Curry, yes Federico has always been quick to respond along with others too. So many of us began with beBee when it was new to the US Market and everyone has benefited from the quick response rate. I think what some people forget is that they are human and can't 'fix' every human issue on the platform. We are all supposed to be adults and work through things together as we would if working as a large team at our workplace. And, if issues seem unresolvable, it's always been my thought that it's just time to move on instead of badgering others. I've never used Quora but that's nice to hear too! Nice to hear from you, thanks!

🐝 Fatima G. Williams

7 years ago #90

Milos Djukic Wishing you a very Happy Happy Belated Birthday. God bless you and stay awesome , look awesome and be awesome always (lol) :) Fractals Forever #FFF

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #89

Great Ted talk by Ms. Duckworth Milos Djukic. Maybe that's what helped my children, they both had grit. Their parents have grit too. We've faced many obstacles in life (even I was bullied as a teen), so common when in HS. Life can be tough on many, some we never hear about. It's how we rebound after the fact that helps us to move forward in life. Attacking someone is never the best defense. This buzz was not an attack on the person that has been mentioned (I'm sure you already understand that Milos). If I wanted to attack him I would have mentioned his name, added a link to his blog, tagged people on LI on his blog etc... but it's good to use certain situations as larger example of what our own retributions may be if we continue on a path of trying to self-destruct others. Thanks for your astute comments Milos, highly appreciated!

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #88

It makes sense to me Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #87

Doing the right thing? Yes, right now and here. Period.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #86

Ok Robert Bacal, you and me (and much more) have gave him unqualified support. I'll do it again. Therefore, the attack is not the best defense. Everyone chooses what will write. If we opt for the highly specialized professional articles or intimate articles about our thoughts, we cannot expect great popularity. It is certainly not a measure of quality. Maybe our writing is blatantly trivial to capture someone's attention or imagination. "Grit: The power of passion and perseverance" by Angela Lee Duckworth:

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #85

I think you missed the premise of this blog Robert Bacal, which relates back to being careful of our words when writing. To write publically and tell another to F-off even if upset is not only unprofessional but mean. 2 wrongs don't make a right. I may have missed much of what you speak of with Max. I can say I befriended him when others weren't and I interacted. As long as others are nice to me- I try not to take part in group think mentality. With that said, I do remember Max attacking me on a post long ago and hey, I gave him a second chance. He went after me in a vicious way and I let it go. I didn't even complain to anyone. I understand your point and I'm not trying to argue with you because of course NO ONE deserves to be bullied. TO be honest, I thought I was pretty sneaky by not naming the network, person's name etc.. when I found the mean comment. I used that to convey a larger message, my post here was not an attack on him, the person. I hope that made sense?

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #84

I'd like to make one more point: I can go to no other platform and have the opportunity to reach out to the CEO, Tech (Who we all used to bug a lot Federico \ud83d\udc1d \u00c1lvarez San Mart\u00edn if there are issues that seem beyond our control, whether they are personal or technical. Can anyone say they can personally reach out to Zuckerberg (ever?), or others who are CEO's or owners of platforms IE: Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin etc..? No. We are completely on our own there w/the exception of filling out forms and reporting, even then... you don't get a personal response. So, I wish people would keep this in mind when complaining about lack of support on this platform. I have always felt these men go above and beyond the call of duty and will continue to do so. I'm not trying to be mean about this, just being honest.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #83

I honestly stay away from Difficult or what may appear to be 'hot topic' conversations now. I have mis-read others on here and had my feelings hurt. I've also been attacked because they either, misinterpreted what I said or just didn't like what I had to say. I'm not sure what the answer is. Personally, I think the best thing to do is not to give bullies an audience. At least for the most part, we do have control of that on Social Media, real life.. not so much. Bullying should never be tolerated Robert Bacal. My daughter and son were both bullied (son because he was of short stature in HS) daughter because girls were jealous. I saw what it did to both of them and it hurt more than words could ever describe. We didn't ignore their feelings and we validated when we knew something was wrong. They both grew up to be outspoken, yet compassionate adults. I really believe their experiences molded them in a good way. I'm not sure what the answer is on Social Media, it happens on all platforms and I can attest it's worse on platforms like Facebook and Twitter eg. Facebook... Twitter seems to bring out the worst in those who are political tweeters. As for beBee, things do not go unnoticed even if it may appear that way. I'm not saying it's perfect, no platform will ever be perfect but they are transitioning to a new platform which will allow for many more safeguards once it's implemented. I haven't seen bullying for quite some time but then again, I tend to read articles you would not find a reason to bully another on.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #82

Yes, yesterday Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher (in my part of the world) :) Still today on both coasts of the U.S. Thank you!

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #81

“Each human being is unique, each with their own qualities, instincts, forms of pleasure, and desire for adventure. However, society always imposes on us a collective ways of behaving, and people never stop to wonder why they should behave like that." - Paulo Coelho

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #80

I birthday? Happy birthday or is it a belated happy birthday now Milos Djukic? Hope you had a beautiful day.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #79

You are welcome Robert Bacal. Conversations about 'difficult' subjects are rarely popular. Departure of people like Irene Hackett, Melissa Hefferman, Aurorasa Sima, Alan Geller and Julie Hickman is the sad fact. Yet, the motives are different. I would not point the finger at anyone (commentors, ambassadors or ex-ambassadors). We must lead by example. it is no easy task. Challenging, but achievable. I haven't the slightest doubt that it possible. Yes, I believe Robert, just like you. Fractals forever.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #78

I agree with you Robert Bacal that people on social media should try to avoid the victimization of ANY person, including a person who is different, yachting professional, book author, shaman, ambassador, ex- ambassador, CEO, member, fractal or a fool (it is the same). Also, I'm not taking sides here. That's just my opinion. I'm an imperfect person with a bunch of weaknesses. Hence, please do not worry; relationships will not be damaged beyond repair, even if we completely disagree. This is the art of communication The willingness to answer boldly and the willingness to be corrected correspond, respectively, to bravery and temperance“ - Malcolm S. Brown

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #77

Yes we are. Thank you Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher Some people do not understand the power of social media and collaboration. This is a quote from my post that I wrote in 2014. and the title was "What Makes Us Unique on Social Media"? Us.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #76

Yes we are. Thank you Lisa 🐝 GallagherLisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallaghernderstand the power of social media and collaboration. This is a quote from my post that I wrote in 2014. and the title was "What Makes Us Unique on Social Media".

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #75

I think many of us gave him a chance, myself included. Love the quote you left for Javier! We have great people who run beBee who are not just successful but valuable, very fitting quote indeed Milos Djukic. Many of us appreciate them as much as they appreciate us, we are all a team!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #74

It appeared that way , agree.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #73

Brilliant comment April Lynn! Thank you. I am proud to call you my friend.

Milos Djukic

7 years ago #72

Kudos dear Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher for this one. I gave him a chance and support and I am not the only one... “Dance with the one that brung ya. Did you know that the same, rather poor grammar rule, also applies to social leadership and even on social media?" Kudos Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee too. "Successful people are not always friendly, patient and calm, but great social people are." That's what makes you valuable.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #71

Thank you, Lisa, for taking the time to address this and correct the record with clear and cogent communication per this buzzing blog post. I would note that there's a fine line separating one's written opinion from slander. Unfortunately, the LI post at issue appears to fall under the latter category.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #70

With you on that one John White, MBA. Humans make mistakes, owning up to them is commendable.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #69

Thanks Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, couldn't agree more. You wrote, "Brand ambassadors are selected to be positive about and promote a brand. " I'd even go as far as to say if a Brand Ambassador takes issue with something on the platform, they take it privately with someone that has clout. I don't think they should write negative buzzes about beBee and it's glitches. Many issues can be solved if not most, considering how fast Javier and his team are to respond - behind closed doors.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #68

Agree April Lynn, that's why I posted just the newest articles (there are many) written by Javier and others which do show how and why each network compliments the other. There will always be naysayers but it's best to keep it professional. Thanks!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #67

I have to admit, I was not privy or did I see what happened to Max before he left. That article he wrote just hung out there making others wonder why he'd say such things. And to be clear, I don't want to know. As Ambassadors we have the duty to promote beBee in a positive light. We are trying to help them grow. I'm sure you didn't share it for malicious reasons so please don't think I am judging you.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #66

Thats good news. I thought after I wrote this that I should have reported it. Glad you did John White, MBA

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #65

I read the article because someone in my network liked it. I went in with an open mind but was shocked by the vitriol contained within it. I can understand people getting their feelings hurt and miscommunication but it crosses the line when something so mean is written. We've all had our feelings hurt on Social Media... we are human after all but it's in the choosing of our words that defines us. As I mentioned before, I made a few mistakes early on because my feelings were hurt or there was miscommunication (easy to have happen when typing, we don't hear inflection) but the key is- learning and not repeating. Thanks Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic! :)

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #64

Thanks Gloria \ud83d\udc1d \ud83d\udc3e \ud83d\udcab \u2615 Ochoa, the point of this buzz. :)

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #63

ditto, I only speak and write in English, so I have a lot of respect for those who have dual languages. Never be hard on yourself about that Maria Oslara, kudos to you!!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #62

Taking the high road has the best vantage point Susan Rooks :)) I found this out quite some time ago. Many things are better left unsaid. Maybe another Conference can take on the title of the quote you left, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #61

People have written nice technical articles explaining the algorithms and more on LI without actually dissing the network and those articles are acceptable. Heck, it even gives LI food for thought because some of the articles written have been so thorough that if LI feels there IS a true issue, it gives them a chance to improve. Constructive criticism is great and it's also the professional way to handle a gripe instead of going after an entire network. Luckily he had few likes so I'm sure that will die down fast.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #60

ha, love it.. fake news or alternative facts. Now my visual has me laughing. Good one and agree ;-) Paul Walters

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #59

Good point Paul \. It probably wont be the last time this happens.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #58

I won't go back to re-visit it. It's odd, I RARELY scroll on LI but this night I did. I found it and of course curiosity got the best of me. Oh and just so others know... I purposely left out the network, the term Ambassador and the person's name because I thought maybe, just maybe it had not been seen by many at all. I wasn't about to give that article extra views but from the comments I've read it appears many saw this before I did and that is how others knew who I was speaking of. And my entire point - it's no different than being jaded by a former employer and writing about the person and the company in a bad manner like that. I did find it defamatory. There are ways to get a point across without being vicious. But, to your point Ken Boddie, yes move on. It's not worth it and I hope others just ignore the article.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #57

ha, I would never block you, it's the hours I keep and I was gone all day today.. just opened up this buzz. I think I need to visit beBee cafe more so I can find what I am missing :))

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #56

Totally agree Praveen Raj Gullepalli!
Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman I already saw it. I don't mind. That article is only damaging his reputation. Bee happy !
April Lynn enjoy this ! Different networks, different applications Never put all eggs in ONE basket
List of current ambassadors has been updated. Many thanks !
thanks a lot Sandra \ud83d\udc1d Smith for your support. You are a queen bee ! Thanks !!
Sorry Claire L \ud83d\udc1d Cardwell recommended it on LI and shared this article through Facebook too. She is not ambassador anymore. Anyway I wish her nothing but the best.

John White, MBA

7 years ago #50

I reported it as offensive and it looks like LinkedIn has removed it.

Lada 🏡 Prkic

7 years ago #49

Sorry Javier, but your demand puts me in awkward position. Many of us are on LI and some of the ambassadors have certainly seen the share. Like Chas \u270c\ufe0f Wyatt said, the post won't get many views and also didn't get many likes.
thanks Sandra \ud83d\udc1d Smith I need to know if you agree with that article. You recommended it. Many thanks for your quick response.
stephan metral \ud83d\udc1d Innovative Brand Ambassador sorry I was blocked on LI so I can not see who recommended that article. Many thanks
Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee es facil..easy to perform we are only 84 with a beBee ambassador sub-headline check it here in every BA's posts or articles: good luck !There is a wasp with a beBee suit OMG !!!!!

John White, MBA

7 years ago #45

A CEO that publicly owns up to mistakes. Now there is a guy I can get behind 100%!!
thanks Chas \u270c\ufe0f Wyatt. It was my mistake. I am learning a lot with all of you. Best wishes from Madrid !
Lada \ud83c\udfe1 Prkic I need to know which ambassador is agreeing with this article. Can you please ? Many many Thanks

Lada 🏡 Prkic

7 years ago #42

I also read this article because one of the beBee ambassadors shared it on LI. What bothers me more than the post itself is sharing of that article throughout the network by the person who obviously agrees with what is said in the post, although represents beBee as a brand ambassador.

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

7 years ago #41

Oh..I just read that post. . Well..someone that claims so much about spiritual growth and leadership and then write such post ...strange

Gloria (Glo) Ochoa

7 years ago #40

I think unless one has a legit complaint with proof for back up, (still not a good reason, but Im just saying, it is always good to be warned of bad beans) it only shows the character, ethics and morals of the one doing the bashing and should be a red flag for anyone considering doing work with them.

John White, MBA

7 years ago #39

What I've discovered Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher is that when you have success there will be people that are jealous. They resort to some pretty low behavior to try to drag you into the gutter with them.

Gloria (Glo) Ochoa

7 years ago #38

Trying to make someone/competitor/etc look bad also tells someone that may have considered hiring you what kind of person/company you are.

Maria Merino

7 years ago #37

Thank you very much Susan, but I need to use the English translator to write and to read very long texts. Lucky we have that tool so we can communicate.
Maria Oslara -- your English is perfectly fine if your comment is any indication! You are to be commended for your ability to write so well -- as are all those for whom English (no matter which version) isn't their first language. I speak only English, so you're all way ahead of me.

Maria Merino

7 years ago #35

It is true what you say stephan metral \ud83d\udc1d Innovative Brand Ambassador, Let's move forward !!
I read it this morning, Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher, because of another beBee ambassador's urging. I found it very sad -- pathetic, actually. I don't understand the anger I saw or the attempt to defame Javier or anything else. It just made no sense to me. Being professional means sometimes we do stay silent even if we're not happy about something, especially something we have no control over and cannot "fix." Taking the high road isn't just a great idea; it's often the only way to maintain the professional reputation we all say we want to have. And speaking of sayings, Lisa and Pedro Casanova, there's one that I cherish: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln
- 2/2... If i would like to troll , but i don't... i would do another guerrilla marketing ambush,like the following, setting up a huge doubts in LinkedIn users minds: "Do you think ''LinkedIn Pulse/write an article'' uses a restrictive API algorithm onto your posts' visbility because of Load Balancers (network swicth in datacenters) capacity and web-servers latency issues as per 300 Milllions users or 23% of MAUs would post during the same second or minutes ?" Psychologically it opens a mind cycle which set endless inductive and dedective can't are we being fooled by....huhhh...why am i getting 3 to 30 views on LinkedIn with the identical post is versus 1.5K average on beBee overnight. Nah Nah....X...i am not trolling..i am just asking questions ..duh..dahhhh! Come On Let's make SOCIAL MEDIA Great Again ! HAHAHAHAHAHA 2 stings*** up ! ***: STING - not the Scottish singer...the new beBee's coming up next platform feature.)
here is my profile's moto that applies here, my dear colleagues: Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee : "When it happens that you succeed, you have against you: 1) everyone that wanted to do the same 2 )all the guys that did the exact opposite 3) finally, but not the least, every competitor that did absolutely nothing about the subject matter". 1/2

Paul Walters

7 years ago #31

As The President of the USA would perhaps sum it up. "fake news " . best ignored I feel, really we all have better things to do

Pascal Derrien

7 years ago #30

I like the guy , I like Javier, Juan and their crew too :-) I would have not written such an article and I have stayed away from it, whatever happened ( and I dont want to know) he seems as equally hurt as ourselves by his action..... It is bound to happen in an international set up and it will happen again

Ken Boddie

7 years ago #29

The derogatory post, to which you refer, Lisa, was shared on my Facebook wall the other day. It was venomously spat out by a de-titled former beBee Ambassador, seemingly no longer active on this network. It was so obviously fictional that anyone reading it, who is even vaguely connected with beBee, and who has half an ounce of integrity, would see it to be a complete delusion. As with any similar venom, I suggest it best left without further comment under the rickety bridge where all trolls reside. Onwards and upwards!
Wow. This kind of thing was inevitable, though. Distortion, distortion, distortion. All we can do is buzzzzzzzz on.
Meet our current ambassadors !
Dean Owen you are right. We can count them all. A couple of them... probably 3 as maxium. beBee will have always some wasps trying to flying around the hive. Enjoy beBee !

Maria Merino

7 years ago #25

I used the google translator to read the whole article, (my English is not very good) here we all know that nobody forces us to share, what we do is vountario, if in other networks they are talking bad about beBee it must be because they feel threatened, the human mind reacts criticizing when it feels a threat, that that does not stop us, on the contrary, it gives us more force (with google translator, sorry for the mistakes)

Dean Owen

7 years ago #24

I think you blocked me! :) I'm around!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #23

I have read it. Its a frustrated rant which can invite a serious defamation suit, but he is not worth it, i dont think he would be able to pay but he would enjoy the publicity :) Simply put, no level headed person would believe it and believers would suffer a succubus of empathy. Now the small soft spot has gone because this maybe hurtful to the friendly ambassadors who still like him. Nothing more than that.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #22

Thanks Pedro Casanova, and I really like the saying you use in Spain! My mom used to say, sometimes silence is golden, an old saying!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #21

I have requested links to good articles and I know you dont feel compelled or obligated and you shouldnt. I rarely see people complaing on beBee.which is another attribute. Agree, people have the right and freedom to critsize but there are tactful ways to do so. Thanks Dean Owen, hope your doing well, havent seen you in a while, must keep missing your stuff!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #20

Thanks @Julio Angel \ud83d\udc1dLopez Lopez!

Dean Owen

7 years ago #19

I remember the conversation where I brought up the topic of not feeling compelled or obligated to share content. The email is just suggestive and was implemented because some ambassadors requested it since they often miss important buzzes. People should be free to criticise as they like, and every network has its critics. beBee doesn't have many as I believe most users are rather fond of it!

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

7 years ago #18

..." careful with our words on Social media " . I like that line @lisa-gallagher . In Spain is an old saying. We are owners of our silences...and slaves of our words...some like that.

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

7 years ago #17

It is dangerous, people who are thousands of miles, read in another language (using translator) worry about the mood, or opinions of others is dangerous. That you give them a sentence of encouragement, or just "hey, you're not alone" is dangerous. Let the bees let us know, places, business, music, culture is very dangerous. And if the CEO even welcomes and interacts with you, it's even more dangerous. An interesting "danger" that stimulates me. A "danger that I do not worry, to them yes. regards Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #16

"Are they barking?...Means we are riding along." I love that statement!

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #15

Darn phone keyboard, typos below Devesh \ud83d\udc1d Bhatt, apologies

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #14

Weell stated Devesh \ud83d\udc1d Bhatt. Oh no, Im not worried in the least. Ive watche beBee grow for over a year now and each day it seems to be growing at a fast pace. When I read the comment (blog) it was a great reminder why we do need to be careful with our words on Social Media. Hmm. Im craving smoked salmon locks now lol
Pedro Casanova I love that ! Ladran ?..entonces es que cabalgamos.... Are they barking?...means we are riding on.... Buzz on !

Pedro 🐝 Casanova

7 years ago #12

Ladran ?..entonces es que cabalgamos.... Are they barking?...means we are riding on....

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #11

I wasnt either. Helped him with his beta testing, I was the perfct candidate since I created my own issues at timed lol. Now, Im happily paying for use of the app! ☺
Y the way...I was NOT paid by Paul \ . 😂😂😂

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #9

a) it is unprofessional to fabricate facts. No emails sent to push. It is common sense to promote bebee more proactively after being an ambassador, simply beacuse it isa recognition of promoting bebee along with producing good content b) Fabrications are immaterial, they do not provide any constructive feedback. It is great that you are spreading awareness but i hope you are not worried :) c) There will always be detractors and those with contrarian opinions. It is best to decide who are worth the attention and engagement and who are to be simply ignored. By your statements i have already guessed who could have written such a thing. If the guess is right, It is so predictable and it will only hurt his credibility :) Have a great sunday and perhaps taste something new and delicious.

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #8

Love your attitude! Its contagious!! Its so true, no one forces us to do anything on here, we do it because we love beBee. Same goes with Pauls App, he has never pushed it on anyone, we use it by choice and its great! And we are happy to be along for the wonderful ride with beBee! 😆😆
By the way I love your quote: If you are willing to promote others and this statement applies to any network, you'll find that others will promote you as well. That is the way to go. It is very funny that some people - supposed to be intelligent- ate trying to damage us again and again...and they were expecting to be named Ambassadors 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Definetely they got few brain. Nothing and nobody will stop us!
Paul \ i did NOT feel obligated anytime. I DID NOT GET a single message from you about this. I strongly recommend your MyTweetPack

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #5

Hi stephan metral \ud83d\udc1d Innovative Brand Ambassador, thanks for the heads up, I will check out your profle again. And, I will let you know if Im up to the writing challenge, sounds interesting! I agree, beBee is on track and Ive never for a second had any doubts that they wont meet or exceed their goals 😎😆 Thanks!!
exactly stephan metral \ud83d\udc1d Innovative Brand Ambassador !! hearing some lonely sad detractor is the hint that we are on the right track!!! Buzz on !
Thanks Lisa \ud83d\udc1d Gallagher. We are building beBee with you. All of our current ambassadors are promoting beBee because they love the platform. Well said !
You know Lisa, there is always someone somewhere that will cry, in fact hearing some lonely sad detractor is the hint that we are on the right track...have you read my profile intro about ''success''. if not do it and i invite you to write an article about the meaning of..being a pilgrim on its way to heaven...starring Javier \ud83d\udc1d beBee, how the wrote the new bible and why 140 apostles were following them...

Lisa Gallagher

7 years ago #1

cc; John White, MBA- you were mentioned in this buzz!

Articles from Lisa Gallagher

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6 years ago · 8 min. reading time

Anxiety, just when you think you might be beating this disorder it comes back with a fervor. There i ...

6 years ago · 2 min. reading time

This is going to make me sound like a witch but I need to say it. · I don't mind being tagged on pos ...

6 years ago · 4 min. reading time

Photo Credit: Lisa Gallagher 2017 · There are many moments we can't and would never want to capture ...

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